Monday, April 30, 2018

quicker and quieter than a hammer.

Again: Locks Only Keep the Honest People out.....

your home is not secure. It never was.

This device, however,  is quieter than a hammer or a battering ram....(If a bunch of cops in Riot Gear can be quiet, that is).....

Kind of a nice idea, and no doubt an expensive toy for taxpayers to by for those suburban SWAT teams to have to play with on their overtime training....

At best, this makes the entry quieter for the first second or two though. Once the door begins to splinter, your stealth goes in the crapper kinda fast.
Plus this takes 2 men to operate, rather than one husky dude with a sledgehammer or a battering ram.

Like many things marketed to cops and police agencies, this is an expensive solution looking for a problem.

And, again, Soros defames Trump by Proxy....

(at least, that is what it appears).

Seems that Stephanie Clifford, the Porn Star  known as Stormy Daniels is once again taking the fight to Trump in a (how else?) sleazy and underhanded way..Who, exactly,  is paying her bills these days? Allegedly, it is G. Soros. I can't be sure one way or another.
And who is pay ing her attorney?

Somehow, again, she found the money to file yet another lawsuit against Trump, this time for "Defamation" because he dismissed her (unproven and unprovable) claim that some dude "Threatened her"  in 2011 to keep quiet about he (alleged) affair with TheDonald...

Remember, sex between two people is nobody business (if you are a Democrat....). 


Whut rights?

Seems that the "caravan" has reached the border....and they are being "Slow Walked"....

And they don't like it.

""Now that our journey is ending, we demand that our rights as refugees, migrants and human beings be respected,” the group said in a statement."

Fuck'em. They have no rights to be taken in as Refugees, nor migrants, and, until they are on our side of the border, the US has no reason to force anyone to recognize their Human Rights....

I might be sympathetic if any of the counties that they travelled through were willing to help them, or if they were willing to try to stay in, perhaps, Mexico. ......But no, they want to come to the land of Free Shit.

And they think they have the right to DEMAND anything?

Don't let the border hit you on the ass when you turn back south. 

Sunday, April 29, 2018

"Next time around, if the shit hits the fan and there are going to be mass graves, I fully intent to be filling them, not lying in one."

Fuck Yeah.

And I'm not jewish, despite my last name.

Via ElmTree Forge:

“Alright, so it’s 2039.  Enough Social Justice Warriors get elected and stack the Supreme Court.  The decide that the 14th Amendment doesn’t apply to the Jews because… Israel.  Now American Jews have to be exterminated for justice for Palestine.  The concentration camps are being fenced in, the gas chambers are being built, and college kids are tweeting selfies of themselves standing next to containers of hydrogen cyanide with the hashtags #DeathToTheJews and #JustiveForPalestine.  What the fuck do you do.?”

Yeah, I never understood how a people, as a whole (mostly) can be so against firearms in private hands, seeing as how fairly recent history shows what happens when the people cannot fight back...

Think what could have happened if every third jewish home in Germany in 1939 had had a single rifle and 30 rounds of ammo?

Look at what happened in Warsaw....

And that's how you handle it, ladies:

Some  dude in Ireland grabbed this chicks ass at the station....

She decked him. Smacked him right in the face.

That's how you handle it. Don't retreat to your safe space...don't complain about it to your girlfriends hours later....Don't sit in the shower and cry about the "Patriarchy".

And don't bottle it up for 25 years until you have a chance to use your sisterhood to destroy someone....and in doing so give him the chance to do the same to countless other women...

Deck the bastard. Shout loudly. Make it clear that you disapprove and that you have been assaulted. Stand up and make sure it stops. Be a BIG GIRL.

Kick him in the balls, if that is what it takes. Stand up for yourself.

Otherwise you are part of the problem. 

Ain't it the truth:

Kanye has left the plantation....


Thanks to MC for the heads up

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Starved to death:

If I tie a dog up, with no food and no water, is that a crime???? Is that cruelty?

So what if I take a baby, leave him and fail to feed him and let him die.....Am I guilty of murder?


Depraved indifference?

That is, after all, what the British National Institute of Health did to Alfie Evans. 
They, after deciding he was too costly to try to keep alive, took him off of life support.

He kept breathing on his own.

So they got the courts to order that he not have food or water.

He died.

Now, from a pure dollars and cents perspective, this was the right thing.

That money could have gone to pay for many other things.

And little Alfie was't gonna ever get better. I think we all understand that.

But the British Medical folks failed him. And the Italians offered to take him in and care for no cost...

The British courts, instead said he had to die. And they made it happen. And his parents were helpless to stop it. Because the State's servants had force, and were many, and the family had none, and were few.

Things like this are why we need our Second Amendment. The minions and servants of the State would not have prevented MY child from being moved to a place where he could have gotten care, even if it were simply supportive....if that was the future I chose for the child. Simply trying to stop the transport of a child to where he could get care would be grounds for injury or death. "Just Following Orders" doesn't cut it. I don't care how many folks were injured or shot in the attempt to stop me, the kid would get to where he could get care.

It is possible that letting Alfie Evans die was the most humane treatment. If so, the State should have euthanized him, not starved him to death. And, really, shouldn't that be the decision of his parents, not some faceless Bureaucrat?

So the question occurred to me:

Apparently Special Prosecutor Mueller ordered a raid for "evidence" of Michael Cohen's office...(In case you don't know, he was the current President's personal attorney).

Now, Mueller is supposed to be investigating "Russian Collaboration" in the election. (Personally, I have seen more evidence of election interference on the DNC side, but that isn't what he is "Investigating") But what appears to be happening is that he is casting a broad net in order to find any crime he can, real or imagines, that anyone even close to the President may have committed...even if that "crime" is giving slightly inconsistent testimony.

So what justification is there for Mr. Cohens's office to be raids, his files examined by a team of investigators....What, exactly, is Mueller's team looking for???....I believe that that should be stated.

Or is it as I suspect, simply a digging expedition?

Now, the one really neat thing that results from this is that Soros's girl, Stefanie Clifford, can't continue her lawsuit for 90 days because of the Cohen investigation. (She looks pretty hard and nasty, not sweet and dignified, when she is angry at being thwarted, doesn't she?)....
I still wonder who is paying her bills these days......

Friday, April 27, 2018

So....mayybe not so bad

Seems that there is dissent in the "Consensus" of scientists c;aiming glowbal Armageddon from the heat death of the world due to climate change....

Some folks say, surprisingly, that the models are incorrect, and the change won't be as bad as predicted. 

Odd, that. The rest of us, not dependant on income from Climate research funds, have been saying that for years.....Pointing out that most of the models, even when fed random numbers, still give global temperatures that rise year over year....And that, when fed good data from historical climate observations, cannot predict our climate today...

But, as I've said before, there is no money to be made, no grants to be had, no living wage to come from a prediction that"all is well, Carry on.".

And, especially, no graft. 

See, I'm not the only one

That thought that the whole Starbucks incident was a setup.

That those two men CHOSE to get arrested.

That they chose to sit there, and when they weren't noticed....when no one cared, they asked to sue the restroom.

Then, after making SURE they were  noticed, refused to buy anything. (Hey, thought the dude needed to use the restroom.....yet he just sat there, despite needing to do the needful just moments ago....)

Then, after being asked to either buy something or leave, they both chose to do nothing. Just sat there, refusing to leave.

Then, the cops came, and again, offered them the chance to leave. They chose to be arrested.

And I'm not the only one that noticed and wondered.... WHY? 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Let that be a lesson:

So Bill Cosby was found guilty today...of sexual assault. 

Now, I don't know if he did it, or not.

I do know that these allegations all surfaced AFTER he became an outspoken critic of the liberal "Hip-Hop" black lifestyle.

Odd timing that.

Lots of people lined up to get him for daring to speak out in criticism. The liberals (and especially BLACK liberals), sharpened their knives.

And when the State couldn't prove their case the first trial, they tried him again until they could find a jury that WOULD find him guilty......especially after they prevented his defense from presenting evidence. Even liberal attorneys seem to think that his case will be reversed on appeal.

One might think that the liberal establishment was simply out to get him for his comments....and if they can't get him into jail, they were happy to trash the reputation of an elderly man and cost him large money in his trial. 

The beast that is Socialism:

See Charlie Gard for one example.

See Alfie Evans for another.

Are these children not deserving of any attempt to save their life?

If they were animals, then we'd put them down out of humaneness...

But they aren't animals.

But the beast that is Socialism, exemplified by the courts representing the State, would not let the parents pursue even last chance, likely useless, attempts to save their children.

No, they must dies in the arms of the State Medical Care.

So decrees the State.

Now, on the one hand, it is likely that Alfie Evans will not survive, no matter what treatment is given.

On the other, the State has decreed that its chosen representatives have the right to decide how, and in what manner, and when these children are treated.

If ever there is an example of why we should dismantle ObamaCare, this is one. Creeping Statism. It is my belief that this was the end game of ObamaCare's adherents.......the furtherance of Statism....

And if ever there is a reason for the Second Amendment the case of Alfie Evans (and Charlie Gard) is an example.

My child would be taken from those who declare he must die...and he would be taken to where I, as a parent, chose to take him for care. .....The number of the Minions of the State who would take damage be damned.

Say a prayer for Little Alfie and his parents. 

Next time they want a cake....

Point 'em to this:

New York judge rules bar didn’t overstep bounds in bouncing Trump backer

So, at one end of the country, businesses have to respect the beliefs of the customers, even when they find it offensive....Like baking a cake for a gay couple....

But in New York, political beliefs are not least then it comes to Trump supporters.

When will liberals realize that what is good for the goose is sauce for the gander?

I mean, next election cycle (or the one after that) they will likely have a candidate that is reviled by a great number of people....and in the Midwest, they will likely (now) be discriminated against. When the next bunch of liberals can;t get a meal in some small town, or some dude can't get a drink or a room in West Virginia wearing an Obama hat because the coal mines were shut down by Barry....will they sue? Will justice be the same for them that is was for this dude?

Or is only SOME speech and/or beliefs protected?

Gee what a surprise:.....

“There is a fear that with basic income they would just stay at home and play computer games,”

At least they are smart enough to stop when it becomes apparent that it isn't working....unlike OUR liberals....

Finland to stop program of Universal Basic Income because it simply doesn't work..... "and is actively taking measures to cut benefits to those who do not seek employment".

(seems that they would have to raise taxes by OVER 30% ....

At the end of it all, I believe the proponents of UBI simply want runaway inflation to devalue the savings of those of us who work and save and to devalue to holdings of the "rich".
Or, it could be that they are simply stupid people who believe in socialism because they never studied anything useful and never read a history book or were exposed to anything resembling Econ 101.....

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

I hate

The Garmin G-1000 instrument system.

Much prefer the "Six-Pack" instruments.

Sadly, that plane is down with major structural damage from a tail strike.

So I get a choice....G-1000 or G-1000....or change flight schools.

Other than not having to set the HSI, I fail to see the least for VFR


The "memorial" doesn't mention that a THIRD of the Lynchings were of WHITES. 

It simply portrays the terrible injustices that were perpetrated on blacks....

New lynching memorial evokes terror of victims

It also fails to mention that that was then, this is now....And that black people have gotten MORE than their share of freebies in the past 55 years. No one gets away with lynchings anymore.

Isn't it odd that every other group of people that were considered subhuman for a while in this country's history has risen above? The Chinese, the Japanese....the Irish, even the Jews...Yet the blacks fail to do so, and remain victims. Even the Hspanics while still being a part of the problem, are greatly successful in the US.....

Yeah, some folks will call me a racist. Don't care, done wore that label out.
Go look at the 3 maps I posted about  a while back.....

If you are reading this

Then the End of The World promised for sometime on the 23rd of April failed to materialize (as most prophecied doomsdays do) and is now at least 24 hours overdue......

Carry on then.  

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Yer not gonna fall far enough

To kill yourself, dude...

But you'll be fucked up for life.

C'mon down, we can talk.......

Truckers cooperate with police to help keep man from jumping off overpass. 

I'd a let him jump....Or offered to push him.

These folks want the attention, which is why they don't simply do it. 

If you want an expensive cooler

But don't want to buy a YETI because of their stance with the NRA:

You can always buy a Pelican Cooler...Still expensive, but not nearly as much as a YETI....Plus, made in the USA.

They claim that they will donate $10 to the NRA if you use the Promo Code "PelicanProud".

I still think these sorts of coolers are massively overpriced for the performance they give, but hey, it's your money.

ETA: YETI claims this is all a misunderstanding and they are just getting rid of an old discount program.


But their main customer demographic is "Outdoorsey" liberal millenials...and the timing is very suspicious.

If it looks like a duck.....

Give 'em credit

Wells Fargo stood fast against the AFT....and they took the hit. The bank lost the mortgage business of the American Federation of Teachers.

I'm glad at least one institution has the gust to stand up to these folks....Not just because it is (currently) firearms as the main issue of the day, but that an institution had the gust to stand up to Social Justice Warrior tactics.

I'm impressed that they didn't fold. 

Monday, April 23, 2018

And people wonder why

Many of us think that Liberals and Hipsters should be hounded out of this country...(In a nice, nonviolent way of course)....

Professor who tweeted anti-Barbara Bush comment applauded at arts festival

I mean, ignoring comments made in bad taste is one thing...applauding the commentor afterwards is another. 

Yeah, I'd forgotten about that....

I bet you did too....

Image found HERE.

I fail to see the "discrimination":

Bad business practices? Yes
Poor customer service? Yes

Poor treatment of customers? Probably

Rude and boorish behavior? YES.

But discrimination? Nope

One wonders how they are claiming that the company broke laws. If they didn't carry foreign folks, that would be one thing....but obviously, they do, as they have apparently insulted many of them....Is insulting people illegal? If responding to customer complaints with derision illegal?

I wonder who Ms Madigan knows that the bus company angered...It is stuff like this that shows the abuses of power that so often happen in Illinois. After all, she is using Taxpayer funds to drive a company out of business.... Is there a "Connected" company wishing to take over those routes????


But I just can't justify greater than $5-1/2 Large for a toy...

Still, a Luger in God's Own Caliber is a SWEET dream....

I especially lust after the stainless version......

Be like James

When a gunman chose to shoot people at a Waffle House restaurant in Nashville,  Some folks hid, some folks chose not to be victims:

Mr Shaw took ACTION.
Firstly, he took cover, saving himself.
Then, when the opportunity presented itself, he chose to emerge from cover and take ACTION. He bumrushed the shooter....catching him off guard and wrestling the gun away.

"He was gonna have to work to kill me.".....Maybe Mr. Shaw felt he had no choice, but still, he TOOK ACTION. He took damage, too, but he ACTED and he WON.

Be Like James Shaw. He likely saved his own life and the lives of many others. Action when it was needed.

He is a hero in my book. Should we ever meet, the beer is on me.

I hope, should the time ever come, that I can react halfway as well as Mr. Shaw.

I will call him "Mr." and "Sir". His actions are worthy of that.

I hope they release the video.....

So I figure

That the Starbucks manager is gonna get her payout too...

I mean, the 2 black men who were arrested chose to be arrested. One wonders if they planned to do so. They were loitering (apparently for about 45 minutes) and were left alone....Then they asked to use the bathroom, and were told that the bathroom was just for customers...which is when they protested....and were then asked to purchase something......or leave.

Had they made even a small purchase, they would have been left alone. They chose not to do so.

When asked to leave, since they had chosen not to be customers, they refused.
So the cops were called. The cops offered them the option of leaving (or, from some reports, purchasing an item....) They refused, leaving the cops no choice but to arrest them, as at that point, the two men, never having been customers, were now trespassing.

The manager has been called a racist by the CEO of Starbucks. 'Twould seem to me that he has impugned her character. There is no company policy regarding , no when people are loitering in the lobby.....She's gonna find it hard to get a job now.....I'd say Starbucks owes her a few years wages.

Were I her, I'd be suing for damages. Defamation of character at the least. Firing her was....stupid

Sunday, April 22, 2018

How to commit suicide:

Steal from the folks that run the Vegas Casinos:

2 men rob armored car on Tropicana Avenue.

One could reasonably expect that they will soon suffer a mischief.

I mean, stealing from the boys with the noses isn't a good way to increase one's life expectancy.....

Run fast, run far, stop only for gas. Change identities like you change your socks.

Like AGW, only maybe even less accurate:

Yeah, how accurate are those dire predictions turning out to be??? I mean, 1970 and all....Adn yet, we hear the same things (mostly) today.....

Pretty much the same as always....

"Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind."  — Harvard biologist George Wald

"We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation." — Washington University biologist Barry Commoner

"Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years." — Stanford University biologist Paul Ehrlich

"Most of the people who are going to die in the greatest cataclysm in the history of man have already been born… [By 1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s."— Paul Ehrlich

"It is already too late to avoid mass starvation," — Denis Hayes, Chief organizer for Earth Day

"Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine conditions…. By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine." — North Texas State University professor Peter Gunter

"In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution… by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half." — Life magazine
"At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it's only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable." — Ecologist Kenneth Watt

"Air certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few years alone."— Paul Ehrlich

"By the year 2000, if present trends continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate… that there won't be any more crude oil. You'll drive up to the pump and say, ‘Fill 'er up, buddy,' and he'll say, ‘I am very sorry, there isn't any.'" — Ecologist Kenneth Watt

"[One] theory assumes that the earth's cloud cover will continue to thicken as more dust, fumes, and water vapor are belched into the atmosphere by industrial smokestacks and jet planes. Screened from the sun's heat, the planet will cool, the water vapor will fall and freeze, and a new Ice Age will be born." — Newsweek magazine

And the strangest thing:

"The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age." — Kenneth Watt

There wasn't any money to be made unless you claimed dire devastation then.....and now, it's the same thing.

No one ever got grant money saying "i think things will be all right if we just keep on the way we have been".....


2 shootings.

One, at a Waffle House. 4 victims.

It made the news all over the US.

another, 2 cops, yet I have heard nothing on the mainstream media.

Odd, that.

Prayers for all the victims.

Saturday, April 21, 2018


I could not have said it better myself.

Read: words of wisdom.

I don't think

That they sold many coolers and such to the NRA folks anyway....

But this is a good way to make sure that they don't sell ANY coolers and cups and such to our all.

Yeti Coolers pulls sponsorship for NRA Foundation in response to pressure from Anti-Gun Groups.

Make no mistake....they are out to get us and our way of life. 

Even more "correlation ain't causation"...this time, "racist" edition:

So SL sent this over in the comments: (sadly, I can't make it embeddable).

One dot equals one person. The color of the dot denotes race. It is zoomable....

I do see a correlation with the below maps. Draw whatever conclusion you choose to.

While, again, there is not really anything besides a bit of location correlation, one could draw the conclusion that Blacks and Hispanics are VERY.....Democratically inclined....DNC types, I mean.

It must still be all those white liberals living there that are doing the murders....

Odd. that though.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Yes, I know that "correlation isn't causation"

But Damn! the map of murders by county and the 2016 election map by county (Blue or red voting) sure shows some interesting parallels.

Using Liberal Logic, one could assume that Democrats (or people voting for Hillary, at least) are some homicidal maniacs.....
Which, in one way, makes me wonder if that is why they so want Gun Control....they know what is in their hearts, and assume that it is in ours as well.

I'm thinking there are some cultural factors there as well, but the parallels are still there.

2016 US Presidential Election Map By County & Vote Share
2016 election map by county

murders by county in US

Today is


and it is a Friday.

Act accordingly.

(I don't, but many do)

Thursday, April 19, 2018

And here's his payoff....

The "Book Deal" is the way wealthy  DNC types pay off their associates for doing something (or nothing) or when they are caught and have to retire.....It's how many DNC operatives or employees have been paid off for services over the years. Wanna bet that Soros owns a large piece of the publisher?

David Hogg gets book deal. 

I wonder who wrote the book? I mean, according to the news stories he has trouble writing term papers and such.

Of course, when you are 22 and from Califronia, the writing comes easier that when you are "Seventeen".

"Honey..., I just quit my job...."

Yeah, that's the way to totally screw up your career....

Dumptruck with raised trailer bed hits highway bridge at highway speeds. 

So lucky no one on the pedestrian bridge wasn't hurt...or killed.

Doo Yoo Yahoo?

If you do, be aware the they have a new owner....and a new set of user policies. AOL too

And, essentially, they can spy on you, read your mail, look at and/or use your photos, your videos, etc. 

It's like Google used to do with Gmail, only moreso.  Like squared.

I still have a Yahoo account, but have transitioned over the past few months to ProtonMail from my Gmail account and my Yahoo account.

I highly recommend Protonmail. They do have a free version, but the paid version isn't that expensive. I also use ProtonVPN for a bit more privacy.....

Remember, if the service is free, then you are the product....

Gun Control

So today is also the day,  243 years ago, wherein the first attempt at Gun Control by a government in what is now the United States was attempted....

How'd that work out for 'em?

Yep, when the British Government tried to confiscate powder and shot in order to prevent the colonists from being able to resist the Colonial Governors orders and rules...The result was different than they thought it would be.

At the end of it, many on both sides were injured and/or dead....But the would-be oppressors  had learned a lesson.....The Colonists would not be trod upon lightly.

Would that our government of today remember that lesson, and prevent another Lexington or Concord with today's modern tools.

That action 243 years ago led to a war, and a new country being formed.
If it happened today, the same things might happen, only the damage would be worse....on both sides.

Let's try to prevent that.

Is your Church BATF(e) approved?

Remember, today is the day when, 25 years ago, the Clinton Regime (Bubba, not Hillary) burned a bunch of people to death because they had to cover the fuckups of the BATF who bungled an investigation and raid when they tried to be spectacular attention getting so they wouldn't lose their funding.

After the opening debacle, they chose to tinhorn and call in the FBI...who, under Reno, made things worse.

Then, losing patience, on April 19th, they burned a bunch of people....and when the local Fire Department tried to arrive to fight the fire, they KEPT THEM OUT TOO, in order than all those who would defy the STATE would die.....and they nearly succeeded with all of them.

Of course, none of the ATF agents, nor the FBI boys and girls were ever jailed, nor punished to any degree for their actions.  Most were "Just Following Orders".

And we, as citizens, just stood by and watched the Feds do it..... (Never again)

Remember that, when they tell you to Give Up Your Guns.

You'll never get mine, nor will you ever find 'em all....

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Send lawyers and money....

Was watching this story (and the GOFundME) for a few days to see if the funding rose to any decent levels. So far it hasn't. But then I saw that Balleye's Boomers had posted it, so I am gonna be lazy and just link to HIS STORY instead. I think her need is a good cause.

(ETA: Since some folks seem to be having issues accessing via the link, here is the actual link for Copy/Paste: )

I sent a check to her via her attorney and if you can, I'd ask you to do the same.,,,ir if it is easier for you, then do the GoFund ME. I generally dislike promoting  GoFundME fundraisers, if only because of the rake-in off the top for the folks that facilitate the fund raising....and because sometimes the fundraising goes to insane levels, making me feel like I have participated in a profit taking scheme rather than helping someone...

having said that, this time I am promoting the crowdfunding of her defense.

Personally, were someone to take and whack the shit out of the person who filed the Wrongful Death suit against her, I would be inclined to cheer them on and buy them a beer. But I'm like that....

This sort of suit SHOULD be thrown out, but often they aren't. And the person bringing the suit is, at best, rolling the dice...No real stake, just trying for Free Money...

Donate, if you can. This could be me, or you.

You can find the defense attorney's website HERE.


Seems that there is some hope that Kalifornia will split. I doubt that it will happen soon, but there is a HUGE drive for it and it may well get on the ballot. I can't see the LA folks letting this happen, as they will lose so much income....I can see "Norther" California wantin' it to, but, again, LA will fight 'em....they need the money. Eastern portion is a wash, really....

In addition, LA needs the water the other portions would then control.

Plus I'm not so sure that I want any of the Californians to get more votes in the Senate. Even a conservative Californian is pretty liberal on my terms.


Coming soon to a US state near you:

Biometric ID cards announced by EU officials

I see this a a train wreck. You can always get a new card, and get a new password.

But since Fingerprints and Faces are the two security features, once it is hacked those folks are SCREWED. Where you gonna get new fingers?

Gonna teach 'em not to be racist!

So two dudes walk into a Starbucks coffehouse.

Sit down for a while.
They are asked to purchase something, or to leave.

They refuse to do either.

And again, are asked politely.
Refuse, again.

So the cops are called. And then they are asked to leave (again).

They refuse, and are then arrested.

They claim they were waiting for someone.

And that they were arrested because they were black. Somehow, I doubt that.

All they had to do was buy a cup of Starbucks Lousy (and overpriced) coffee...Or wait outside for their friend if they didn't have the money.

They got stupid. and got arrested. And this is somehow the fault of Starbucks (both corporate and the local owner)....And racist. Because Black.

I see it differently....But I've been a business owner. I don't see Black, I see assholes taking up space in an establishment without paying.

So now, Starbucks is gonna spend an entire day with their coffehouses ALL closed in order to expiate their sins......of asking people that use their establishment to, you know, buy something there. How terrible of them.

Social Media and Justice Warriors are totally screwing up our society. Attitude and judgement without the facts.
And, of course, the CEO of Starbucks just rolled over like a good puppy.

I'm so glad I sold out when I did. This could have been me.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

When the cabin decompresses:

Be sure to wear the Oxygen mask as the Flight Attendant showed you: Proper fit is important.....

Image result for Emergency landing

Gotta have oxygen at 32,000 feet.....But 3 of the three passengers we can see are wearing 'em wrong....

This picture is from the Southwest Airlines 737 that lost an engine today......

Sadly, one person died in this incident. Say a prayer for them, please. . 

Dude, so what?

Everyone seems to be making a big deal about the fact that Dicks Sporting Goods is choosing to destroy their remaining inventory of "Assault Style Rifles" instead of you know, seeling them.

WTF folks? What's the big friggin deal? Yes, Dicks management are doing the whole SJW posturing, and yes, it is kinda stupid, but they have, apparently, determined that their customer demographic is impressed by such actions. It's their (Dick's) inventory and their money that they are wasting to (supposedly) impress their customers. They can do what they want with it, just as much as the idiots on YouTube who fire thousands of rounds through an AR or AK until the handguards catch on fire and such.  At the end of the day, it is just metal and plastic. Free country and all that. Maybe Dick's can charge it off to advertising, if they can convince the IRS.....

Let's face it...they, by their actions, have lost you and me and others of our ilk as customers long ago.....there is nothing they can do to fix that, and they really can't piss us off more and make us less likely to purchase from them. So they lose a couple of tens of thousands of dollars. Obviously, they think it is worth it to pander to the folks who buy a bunch of Lycra or MicroFiber products, overpriced boots and (WAY OVERPRICED) Yeti coolers and sippy cups and such.
And really, anyone who shops at Dick's and pays Dick's higher-than-market prices for items one can buy on Amazon for 30% less is't anyone who won't be greatly impressed by their stunt of destroying those Ebil Blak Ryflez anyway. 

Tax day

Time to settle up for last year, if you haven't already.

 I didn't pay any taxes, I got some money back....


Monday, April 16, 2018

You have a week left:

Prepare accordingly...

Or don't, as the case may be......

(I'm as prepped as I'm gonna be.....I might bother to top off the cars with gas and such, and make sure I have plenty of booze, but other than that, I'm pretty well set......)

Biblical end of the world shall start on 4/23/18.

If the Rapture comes, I'm set that way too......

Sunday, April 15, 2018

He was, of course, a danger from over 50 yards away....

Or, at least, that is what the officer "reasonably believed".

I call BULLSHIT.  I say MURDER.  (HERE IS THE VIDEO....the shooting starts at 1:00....) The cops had reason to be wary, yes. The SWATTING had everyone on edge, and they thought they were surrounding the home of a man who was purported to have shot his father...

The cops were in position over 50 yards away, under cover. The poor dude, who had no idea what was going on, got shot because the cop at the back of the rifle, looking through a scope, at night, with VERY poor lighting, decided the guy on the porch was "reaching for his waistband".
He shot and killed Andrew Finch, who likely never knew why the cops were surrounding his house or why he was shot.

If I had shot anyone at that range, for ANY reason, at night, with no weapon visible, I would (rightly) be charged with, and tried for, MURDER. The cop needs to be as well.  Low lighting, a LONG distance and yet the cop was able to "be assured" that there was a weapon (hint: There wasn't...Mr Finch was unarmed).

"Officer Safety" and all that....Had there been an officer on the porch, instead of hiding across the street, then this could have perhaps been avoided.

Here's a hint for cops: If you are that afraid, then FIND ANOTHER JOB.

No, I wasn't there, and no, I don't want to be a cop....but at the end of the day, your safety doesn't trump those of the citizens you serve.

I call this, still, murder.

This might actually help:

Seems that the Californians have actually  deigned to start looking at things in a logical manner:

Los Angeles to paint streets white in order to counteract the Urban Heat Island Effect.

Note: "If the 100 largest cities in the world replaced their dark roofs with white shingles and their asphalt-based roads with concrete or other light-colored material, it could offset 44 metric gigatons (billion tons) of greenhouse gases"....More than a years worth of Human caused emissions...

Anyone who lives in the country can tell you how much asphalt creates heat in the summer. And if you live in the snowbelt, you know how much faster things melt if you can find the "Black" under the snow......

I do think that $40K per mile is a bit "salty" for what is, essentially, parking lot seal, but has there ever been a Glowbal Warming initiative where someone in power didn't make a shitload of cash in kickbacks?

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Art Bell

Has passed/Was abducted by Aliens/is being held in captivity by the Government that Kidnapped him/Is currently being kept alive at a secret Government installation/has found a path to another dimension.

Other theories are being fabricated as we speak.

Godspeed, Art.
 You were entertaining and made me think many times when I was driving late at night. 


Perhaps the Left, the "Deep State" and the Media (But I repeat myself (but I repeat myself)) thinks er don't notice??

Images stolen from HERE


Since I tossed CitiBank....

Since I cancelled my CitiBank credit card due to their stance on "gun Safety" and their decision to dictate terms of business practices to gun sellers and other gun related businesses, I have room in my wallet.

It looks like my new credit card will be a Wells Fargo card. While there are business practices that Wells Fargo has participated in in the past that I dislike, their CEO has told the American Federation of Teachers that they cannot dictate terms to the bank....and, in fact, that the bank won't be told how or whom to do business with.

I applaud his stance. Not taking sides, simply doing business and staying above the fray.

'Tis the way it should be. 


"Lack of Candor" in OIG speak is a substitute for "lying his ass off" and "Not telling the whole truth" and "Withholding evidence in testimony".

Either way, it is, apparently, a jailable offense.

Read the Report HERE.

Remember, we are supposed to trust the FBI....Sadly, I can no longer do so. I've known other Agents that were decent men, but who would lie or otherwise follow orders they KNEW to be immoral, and now, sadly, the FBI no longer has any integrity......

But he doesn't have any reason to not try

Friday, April 13, 2018

Does anyone really believe

Anything James Comey says? He's a liar, a shill, a political hack...that we know. It appears he is waging war against Trump in a slimy, weasely manner.

If he had all these "facts" why didn't we hear about them then, rather than now?

Unless, of course, it was so that he could use them against Trump make a bit of cash selling a book or three....

FAA written:

If a plane is travelling south with a wind from 004 at 14 kts what is the light signal if the cumulus clouds in the dissipating stage of a thunderstorm are tuned to the CTAF of 122.9 and the time enroute is calculated on a true airspeed of 14 knots when referring to figure 26 while calculating the landing roll using figure 23 at an angle of attack with a load factor of 45 degrees ...if the crosswind component is 13 knots what traffic should be made on runway 36 in figure 12 when the density altitude is (consult figure 15) in a crosswind from the eat while the throttle is at a setting of 65% when the altitude is 500 feet at standard temperature when flying at night in class C airspace while the transponder code is 7700 and the altimeter is set for 29.83 and the temperature is -9C and the density altitude is 5243 with an airspeed of 8 and a headwind of 17.

I got this.

ETA: took 40 minutes to do. I was done in 30, and went back and checked 'cause I had all that time....

I second guessed myself on one problem, and got it wrong the second time, and flat out didn't know two others.

so, a 95%.

I'm happy. And I know where to study for the ones I missed.

Thursday, April 12, 2018


If Donnie wants to enact REAL welfare reform, it is simple:

Make each person, able bodied or not, who is even partially mobile and who is on welfare, work.

Now, you say, there are no jobs. If that is true for their particular area....say in a 10 mile radius, then we should use some of those unused building the Federal Government owns and give them a place to report to every day at, say 8 AM....and make 'em stay there until 5 PM.....Even if they do nothing at that location.

IF folks are forced to get up and clan up and show up somewhere, even if they do no work, for 8 hours....Betcha that they will find it an incentive to find real, gainful, employment...Something that pays more. Most areas have LOTS of jobs waiting to be filled.

While they are at their place of "Employment" they can learn something. Offer classes Start with real "Three "R's" " and go from there....

What? you say? What about all those single women who have to take care of their kids???? Well, there is a few jobs right there.

We can go forward with that, and find other stuff for these folks to do...if nothing else, give 'em a set of gloves and let 'em clan up the streets or trim brush in parks or whatever you think would be needed. But make getting Federal (and Federally funded state) benefits require some mild motivation to get off the up sober and able to an hour that is reasonable, but requires that one get up in the morning.

Bet that cuts down of crime too, as those folks will have to get some sleep before they get up at 6 or 7 to go to"work".

But the big thing, No More Free Rides. Gotta "work" for those government handouts  benefits. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

So I thought:

Didn't Barry get all those Syrian Chemical weapons? You know, the nonexistent ones that they got from Iraq.

But I thought Barry saved us all by getting all those weapons out of Syria.....

So who used what on those poor folks? 

Maybe I'm missing something?

Other than giving the Senators and the Representatives a chance to preen (and, if they are important enough, bloviate on and on  ad nauseum)...what, exactly, is the reason for the hearings with Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg?

I mean, as far as I can tell, Facebook didn't do anything illegal. So what is the expected result from these hearings?????It's not like FaceBook is a public company or utility.

ETA: 'Twas also pointed out to me that No One was under oath for this hearing.....)

And if you weren't aware of the fact that your personal information and it's dissemination to advertisers and other interested parties was the reason that Facebook was free....and that YOU, as the Facebook customer were, in fact, the product....Then you really are stupid, aren't you?

There is a reason that my Facebook account does not use my real name, is never opened in a browser that I normally use for other web surfing, in passed through a VPN and anonymizer, etc. I knew..... If you don't know, then you deserve whatever "invasion of privacy" you suffered. I don't have any data out there for them to "steal"

So, again, what are the (no doubt costly) hearings in Congress doing for us? What, exactly, will they accomplish? We are, after all, paying the expenses for this show trial....We should ask our congresscritters what they are accomplishing with this expenditure of our money?

ETA: Apparently, in 2011, they agreed to some sort of Consent Decree about keeping Users information private (HT: Earthbound Misfit)

I still think that if you are surprised that your data and shopping preferences and pretty much everything that FaceBook knows about you is disseminated for profit, then you are a Total Moron and you should not breed...In fact, you are a waste of air.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

'Tis interesting

So in an argument over global warming at anther site, I pointed out the fact that NASA, NOAA, The Brits, and the Australians had all been changing temperature data.

Also that Sea Ice has been both lesser and greater in the past 100 years than it is now.

I was asked for cites, which I provided.

The response? The predictable "I don't believe you/those sources are not Peer Reviewed (which means that they haven't been approved by those who will tell us what to believe) therefore they are not valid".  In other words, "I don't want to learn because I have already made up my mind...."

I'ts like arguing with a newly converted (Insert Religion Here) that just won't listen to any data which does not fit their preconceived thought patterns.

I might be wrong about global warming, but I have yet to see ANY data that has't been "massaged" that purports to prove it is real. And I still ask these folks "if you believe that Glowbal Warming is real, why don't you live as if you believed that it is real?"...they never answer.

With all of the above, I am reminded of the old phrase "Never try to teach a pig to sing.....It wastes your time and annoys the pig".

ETA: Stolen from HERE:

It is amazing

How the media and the folks on the Left (but I repeat myself) have taken to the attack on Scott Pruitt....

It all stems, it seems, from his choice to base policy on SCIENCE, rather than fashionable "consensus" Junk Science....He wants an honest assessment of the "data" that is used to make let everyone examine the methodology and the datasets themselves. To base policy that affects many millions of people and hundreds of millions of dollars on actual, you know, science....

The Left is up in arms, and for good reason. He won't hear of spending money or making policy where there is no science...or where the data cannot be examines or the methodology is secret...where the results cannot be independently verified or reproduced......

But that has been the modus operandi of the "environmental" folks at the EPA for YEARS...decades, even.....Come up with at theory (generally unresearched and unproven or researched using poor "science") as to how Mother Gaia is being damaged (usually the fault of some Big Business)...and make a regulation to fix the (nonexistent, or marginal) perceived problem....

Saturday, April 7, 2018

food for thought:

Read this

Now, what do we do about it? 

We need more truck Control

14 high school students dead after truck crashes into bus.

Note that this is nearly the same number of High School kids killed in Parkland.

By a truck driver.

We must do something. Trucks are too easy to get. Truck drivers need to be subject to a more rigorous background check.

(Please note that I am not making light of ANY of those deaths. Both incidents are a tragedy. 14 more kids are dead, and that is terrible.)

I'm just pointing out the illogic of the arguments....

My prayers for the families of the dead and injured.

Not much has changed

50 years ago,  or four years ago,  or 3 years ago, or 26 years ago.  No changes to the behavior.

There seems to be a race thing....or a culture thing, or something that makes Black people living in Black neighborhoods periodically riot and burn and loot their own neighborhoods  when they perceive (truthfully or not) that an injustice has been done

Dorothy Tucker of CBS 2 Chicago explains (watch the whole thing at the link,...the video won't embed).

They rioted and burned....and their neighborhood has never recovered...even 50 years later.

Why don't other races do that?

Yeah, I know, pointing out the above makes me a rayciss. 

Friday, April 6, 2018

Sad, just fuckin' sad:


"I didn't pay any taxes this year, I got money back!". This from a guy driving a local contractors work truck and wearing a union hat to his buddy at the gas station....

If I had had the time, I might have explained exactly how that part works....Sadly (Or maybe it is better) I didn't.

No, you idiot, you PAID TOO MUCH every paycheck and at the yearly settlement, you got your EXCESS TAX PAYMENTS back.

It's no wonder the government and the Media can lead folks around. 

Damned straight.

Via Kenny

I'd like to buy this dude a beer. Watch it.

I'm thinkin' more of us need to follow his example at our city, county and state meetings. 

And yet....

I don't see him telling us to carry guns to prevent crime......

Surgeon General suggests that more people carry Naxolone to prevent opioid overdose deaths.

Why not promote the carriage of firearms to prevent all those muggings and shootings (in the streets as well as in schools) such? Especially in places like Chicago, Baltimore, LA and, of course, New Yawk? Just think, after the first week, all those criminals will be aired out and then crime will drop....Leaving more time for the Police to watch for overdoses......

More of that liberal logic, I guess

They are here, therefore we need to pay for them?

This is what passes for Liberal logic?

Why a census question about citizenship should worry you, whether you’re a citizen or not

The fallacious premise is that illegals have the same rights to services as citizens.,,,,and that the citizens (via government) have to pay for them. 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

And they are unhappy...I get that

Those poor Parkland students.

But the question comes up:

What, exactly, are you hiding there?

What do you NEED an opaque backpack for?


While I applaud the President's wish to secure the southern border...I think that deploying National Guard troops is a really poor choice of methods. They aren't policemen, have no arrest powers and are not properly trained nor equipped for the job.

Having said that, they must be effective, as a whole slew of Hispanic advocacy groups are up in arms....The cries are loud that this won't work, that it is not needed and, of course, "Racism">

Which, in my opinion, shows where the loyalties lie....Race over country.

Who, exactly, is racist?

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

You gonna buy my home?

'Cause if you make my hobbies illegal in your jurisdiction, then you are, in effect, chasing me out of my home.

Deerfield Village Board unanimously votes to ban some semi-automatic weapons.

Seems to me that since they were legal before, and there is no "Grandfather" clause, then you'd have to properly compensate.

And there is, of course, the "Exemption for Law Enforcement and Retired Law Enforcement"...What ever happened to "equal under the law"? What makes law enforcement special they they are exempted from the law? 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

If this is true

Then I must be a friggin GENIUS....or better:

Highly intelligent people stay up late, SWEAR A LOT, live a cluttered lifestyle.

Guilty on all counts. But I'm not all that intelligent, really.  

Monday, April 2, 2018

A truism

And now, my thinking is cleaner.

I finally got things more or less correct as far as Short Field landings. Yes, it has taken me a long time to get there. Once I did, it was fairly simple.....Airspeed, pitch and power. Yes, I know, we are all taught that. Yes, I know.....and it is just that simple. Getting it to mesh was difficult. And now, all my landings are much better...But my short fields in particular, have suddenly increased in quality.

I was reminded, clear as a bell, of a quote that I had heard from Steve Jobs. It came to me, literally, on the climbout.

“Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”. 

Or, to steal from RAH: I finally Grok

(Probably the best day to discover that....great density altitude, 5 knots at 170 on a 18 runway. very few wind changes. Hell, I even did it on 27 just for the fun of it....)

So....TheDonald was, again, correct:

Germany must think twice before agreeing to any new maritime missions with NATO, the European Union or the United Nations, according to the parliamentary commissioner for the armed forces, Hans-Peter Bartels.

"The navy will soon run out of operational ships," the Social Democrat (SPD) politician told the paper.

Deutschland has been skimping on their military for many years, diverting those funds to "Social Programs" and, essentially, hiding behind the skirts of NATO (which means, essentially, the US).

It's easy to have a socialist paradise when someone else is paying for the defense of your nation, isn't it?

I keep telling folks this when they tell me all about how European nations hare so much
better, with so many benefits that the US just doesn't have.....

Now the buzzards are coming home to roost. 

Germany can't field a complete platoon of tanks, nor a complete squadron of fighters. Now their Navy is suffering the same fate. 

For all intents and purposes, they are defenseless, were it not for the support of the US and a few other countries via NATO. 

Oddly, CNN failed to cover this:

Students walk out in SUPPORT of Second Amendment. 

20 minute protest. 75 students. Yet not a word from CNN or the Big Three. 

50 years ago today:

The film -2001: A Space Odyssey, debuted at theaters across the US.

This is interesting:

How to download a copy of everything Google knows about you.

Since I've turned everything off for years, It wasn't as much as I expected, but still, more than you might think.

I strongly doubt that this is all that Google knows about me, but it was interesting to see what they admit, anyway.

Remember this before searching for "Drunk Clown Midget Strippers on Meth".