So I
finally made it to the range to shoot my new upper.
See, just before Sandy Hook, I had ordered a
heavy barrel .223wylde 20" flattop upper from RGuns just before their prices went apeshit. What with the issues from that incident and the supply problems that that caused, they didn't get it to me until late March. (they DID honor their lower price, even if they took 14 weeks instead of 4 to get it to me)
What with having a life and work, weather and all that, I never made it to a decent range until this last weekend. Seemed like every time I had the time to take a range trip to sight it in and do more than function test it, it either rained or was very windy or something else came up. So the upper sat, unused, until I had time to do things right. (my local range is .22 and pistol only, and 50 yards maximum, so no joy there)
And since MC had conspired with a friend to buy me an old Redfield scope that I had admired at a gunshow (diamond reticule, no graduations, 4x12 x 40) (see, I had looked at it, made an offer that was rejected, walked away...changed my mind and went back to buy it 15 minutes later and it was gone....but reappeared in a box when I had a birthday a few weeks later....sneaky), I had to find some rings for it and some folding BUIS.
Now: While RGuns lacks a LOT in service (customer service) (OK, they HAVE
NO CUSTOMER SERVICE, but that is another story) their uppers DO shoot accurately.
So, anyway, back to the story...I got the scope mounted to the rifle with quick detach rings that JUST allowed the scope to clear the BackUpIronSights. and picked up an ammo can 1/3 full of Lake City 55G M193 from my stash...loaded the range bag with a few targets and some clothespins and a spotting scope and went with a friend to the range on Sunday.
Got the range and waited for an open lane. Set up the rest, the spotting scope and loaded the bench and waited for the "All Clear" to go downrange and hang targets.
Back to the bench and waited for everyone else to return and the range to go hot.
Conditions were overcast, about 58 degrees F and wind at 1-2 knots quartering from behind me from my left. Nearly perfect.
First 5 rounds, the bolt didn't want to go all the way forward...would go all the way with the forward assist, but not on it's own.....broke the rifle down, couldn't find anything wrong. Reassembled and fired another 10, using the forward assist for the first 7. Then the bolt worked as it should. Not sure why that happened. It would go with no cartridge, but not when stripping a cartridge from the mag.??? Anyway, after a few shots that issue disappeared.
With Mike spotting, I found that the iron sights were shooting OK windadge wise, but were about 8 inches low at 100 yards. I reached into the range bag, but my sight adjustment tool was nowhere to be found. Looked and looked, but the tool wasn't in the bag, even though I had put it in the bag the night before. Gone to wherever such things (and maybe lost socks from the washer) go. Have to get another one. No sight adjustment for the folding irons.
Oh well, mounted the scope and shot again.
Dead on for windadge, but low again for elevation. 12 clicks later, I was in the black. Now for some serious sighting in.
20 rounds downrange, a few small adjustments, and I was hitting where I wanted to.
After 80 rounds (4 mags) I was out of bullseyes on all four targets. (I was using some old (and moldy) NRA 50 foot bullseye (rapid fire) targets that someone had given me.
We moved to the 200 yard range and began again. with a 100 yard zero, the impact was ~3'' low at 200 yards. At that range, at 12 power, I was chasing my heartbeat, but all was good. (I left the zero at 100 yards and just aimed for the top of the 7 ring). The wind had moved to over my right shoulder, but still only 1-3 knots. I commenced to mutilating paper. 90 rounds later, I was finished. My arms were getting shakey and I was beginning to wander across the target.
Last target of the day (yeah, I hung it upside down) Click to embigginifcate) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
91 x 3 slow fire @ 200 yds...I are happy.
A little Loctite on the sight mounts and some adjustment to the BUIS and I'll be happy and all will be nearly perfect.
I'll call her Vera II
(extra internet points for the reference)