Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Via TB2K I bring you THIS:

FOXNews.comWednesday, September 02, 2009

Van Jones, the Obama administration's "green jobs" adviser, told a group of listeners earlier in the year that the reason Republicans are stonewalling the president is because they're "assholes."

Jones' remarks were recorded in a video from February that was posted to YouTube.

He made the remark during an energy lecture in Berkeley, Calif., after a woman in the audience asked him why President Obama and congressional Democrats were having trouble moving legislation -- even though Republicans, with a smaller majority, didn't have as much trouble earlier in the Bush administration. "Well, the answer to that is, they're assholes," Jones said, to uproarious laughter. "That's a technical, political science term."

Apparently, it was ok to block the Bush administraation's legislation, but not the Obama administration's.

These people act like children. Poorly raised children at that.

The scary part is that they are nominally in charge now.

"Hope and Change" and all that.

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