Monday, January 2, 2012

How to split wood the easy way

 No sweat.

Of course, no cardiovascular exercise either....


PioneerPreppy said...

He had a bit of trouble with the knotted one but that was impressive. Anyone who ever wonders just how many man hours of labor is contained in a few ounces of fossil fuels just needs to imagine doing all that by hand.

Irish said...

Now THAT is made of WIN!

og said...

Want. Will it fit on the Bota?

B said...

Og: it will, but I'd need an auxiliary hydraulic circuit....ANd I doubt if I have enough HP for that.

But I DO want. maybe next tractor. Might could make a smaller one to fit on the three point/PTO.

og said...

yeah, the 330 has like 85 or 90 hp. What would be hyper cool would be to put your hands on one and make a stationary device.

Karl said...

Thanks for posting. That is incredible.

AnarchAngel said...

Looks like what... maybe 1/4 cord every 3 minutes or so? 4 cords an hour say?

Best case for a man, working with a good set of saw bucks, a log hoist and drag, a chainsaw, and a hydraulic splitter... what, about 4 cords a day?

Make it two men and it's actually more than twice as fast of course (since you don't have to do everything in series, and each task is a bit easier by itself); but still, that's a lot of man hours of labor replaced in that one gadget.

They charge about $25k for it... worth every penny.

AnarchAngel said...

Oh and Ogg, they have a somewhat lighter duty trailerable model that they sell for $10,500.

That said... frankly you or I could build one for a lot less. There's nothing hard about the design or fabrication of that machine.