Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Swiss have it right

Integration over Religion.

If the parents don't want to conform to the local culture, then they should move to a place where their culture is the norm.

So says the Swiss Supreme Court.

Now if only our courts could take lessons from the Swiss.


Old NFO said...

We should be so lucky...

Duke said...

Actually at some point I hope enough people get sick enough to change things.

The Freeholder said...

Well, we've been told often enough by those of a certain political persuasion that our courts should take the decisions of other countries courts into consideration....

Divemedic said...

Ah, but what happens when/if Muslims successfully vote to force women in the US to wear the hajib? Will you still be in favor of this?

Ed Bonderenka said...

What happens?
The shooting begins...