Sunday, June 21, 2020

I am lucky

Father's Day.

I have something to celebrate.

I had a Dad. He was there from my earliest memories.

He taught me right from wrong, taught me to THINK, to analyze, to have a moral code. Taught me to look beyond today, beyond the immediate.

Dad took a little monster of a boy child, and helped guide me and shape me into the man I am today.

My Dad grows smarter every day that I am alive. Thankfully, he was able to impart some of that wisdom to me before I really needed it.

I think today's "Woke" youth shows what happens when boys and young men don't have a Dad.

As I said, I was lucky.

Happy Father's Day, Dad. Thanks. 

1 comment:

  1. I have so many found memories of my father. I'm blessed that he is still here. I talked with him today, he's 87 and has a worlds worth of memories to share.
