Sunday, May 21, 2017

Thank PETA

Remember going to the circus as a child?

The bright lights, graceful performers in elegant costumes, the clowns and the animals?

Those high flying acts, the jugglers and the booming voice of the ringmaster telling you about the acts?

The tigers and lions, and bears? The elephants?

Yeah, that is gonna be gone. No more. No more wide eyed youngsters watching in rapt fascination, mouths agape at the spectacle.

Since PETA chased the big animals out of the circus, fewer people go. add in the other regulations, and the loss in attendance without the animal shows, and you have the end of the circus.

Ringling Bothers and Barnum and Bailey circus shall be no more as of 7 PM tonight. 

You can watch the live stream of the last show HERE.

Thus ends the Greatest Show on Earth, destroyed by tiny, small, weasely people. 


  1. Soon to be followed by SeaWorld.. I imagine the zoos days are numbered. I don't understand the modern world where the voice of a few idiots gets to dictate what the rest of us can do.

  2. Rich nailed it... Truly a sad day. Dammit!
