Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Or is it GoodThink?

I can't seem to be able to tell the difference anymore.

Now they are going after Texas Revolution heroes.

Because slave. Or something

They are, apparently, no longer on the "Approved" list to be held in high esteem in history.

So they are trying to erase them too.

I figured it would morph to something else once they had the whole Confederate Heroes thing well under way.

Once you start burning books and rewriting history, who knows where it will stop. 

Road Trip....

Pulling the new (for my brother, anyway) tractor on a trailer for 325 miles. Call it 8500 lbs.

20 MPH headwind the whole way back.

The tractor has a cab, which made us about 10 foot tall. Wind drag was enormous .

Especially at about 78 MPH. Which was pretty much what we cruised at.

The new truck pulled it like a champ. Thirsty though.  . Average out unloaded was 18, average back was.....9.7.  Hard to dislike a diesel with an engine brake. Pulled it like it wasn't even there. Stopped it too....

No incidents except losing the carcass of a tire on the trailer. Which my brother (who was driving) caught early enough that it was no big deal. Pull over at the next exit, pull the jack and spare and change. No blowout.

Makin' miles.

It was a good trip. My Dad and my Brother and I don't get together for shit like that enough anymore.  

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Road trip!

Gotta pick up some equipment with my brother and father.

Gonna break in the new  truck right. Hauling circa 10K for a couple hundred miles.

Go read the folks on the left side They got more to say and they do it better anyway.


Monday, May 29, 2017

I don't drink beer much

(or anything at all, mostly) 'cause I like to stay outa jail, and alcohol generally leads there...

But this sort of thing makes my want to buy a case or a 12 pack just to support a company that has the balls to support our veterans.

Memorial Day isn't about our veterans, but it IS about those they lost. The ones that didn't come home, the comrades they lost.

Remember, during your hotdogs, burgers, friends or family, the extra day off.

You got it because they gave.

Your freedom is due to their sacrifice.

So raise a glass, take a minute ,think of them. Say "Thank You". Trust me, they'll hear it.

Now go enjoy your Memorial Day Holiday.

"Cultural appropriation" war

Will they go after the coffehouses too? Oddly, I don't see any coffeehouses on the list.....

I mean....Coffee isn't a white person's thing, IIRC, will they close down all of the coffehouses not owned by Africans or South Americans? Anyone not Columbian?
I doubt it, as then then they'd lose their social centers......Of course, that'd make 'em hypocrites.

But they hate "Cultural Appropriation".....

SJW's make list of  white owned "appropriative restaurants" ...Will they put them out of business like they did Kooks Burrios?

I'd use a list like this to choose where I was gonna eat when I went out.....

There oughta be a law allowing people to smack SJW's.....Like "Punch a Hippy" day once was.....

(ETA: THE ABOVE LINE IS SATIRE....some folks apparently don't have the intelligence to understand nor comprehend that.....)

So while you enjoy

Your three day weekend.....our burgers, and hotdogs and Mom's Potato salad, and the desserts and camaraderie of your friends or family...

The races, the Parades, the days off work...

Please, take a moment.

Remember what, and who, this holiday is for.

Just a moment.

Saturday, May 27, 2017


I gotta take the tractor and backhoe attachment ad dig a trench today.  this will be more job than I have machine.

Maybe more later if I get inspired. 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

California farmers

Can't get enough cheap labor now that there aren't enough illegal Mexicans to exploit.


I can't find it in my heart to feel anything for them. 

Lone wolf, huh?

If I can count correctly, this makes SEVEN (now 8) arrests in the muslim led attack on children in Manchester.

7  8 people.

Some Lone Wolf, huh?

Woman arrested in Manchester attack investigation.

But Trump can't block unvetted travelers from these countries where these attackers come from, because fairness or something.

When did the folks in the rest of the world get the same rights our citizens get here in this country?

If this doesn't make you laugh....

Then I never want to meet you........

Someone gave this horse a Rubber Chicken.

Watch, Turn up your sound.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Might be something...Perhaps a harbinger of the future?


The NAACP used to be a decent


If this is true, you can expect more issues. More fun and games. Lots of race based shit to come down.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Yeah, that's a black eye...

So in Indianapolis (Speedway) Indiana, Hours after qualifying at the track for the Indianapolis 500, Dario Franchitti and Scott Dixon, hungry late at night after a long day and an even longer evening of press conferences and such go to a Taco Bell (apparently the only place close by that was open) for some late night munchies for themselves and their crews.

Got robbed in the drive through. It was once a decent part of town, but hasn't been for many years. While no one was injured, they were robbed by two "Yoots" with a pistol while waiting in the drive through.

The police arrested two juveniles a few tens of minutes later. I'd bet that there were no other calls answered until arrests were made in this case.....

Those darned Amish kids......

Mr. Bond has passed

Or, at least one of them, anyway....

Roger Moore has passed away.


Had an interesting conversation Monday at the range....

[I was sighting in and function testing a new Henry Survival Rifle for the new truck (space in the truck just isn't there for the folding stock AK I had in the old truck). The rifle shot well, 2 of the three magazines worked, one will be replaced....not a fan of the peep sight, but it is very functional and works for what it is supposed to do. 100 rounds, zero ammo related issues. In fact, the ONLY issue was the one magazine, which won't lock into the receiver properly and falls out after one shot. Watch this space, later, there might be a range report if I don't get too lazy...]

Was packing up when a member I recognize but do not know arrived. He was on his phone pontificating to someone that "Healthcare is a Constitutional right".

Couldn't resist....

I waited until he got off the phone and asked him if he had ever, you know, READ the Constitution.

Turns out he hadn't....At least he admitted that.

I asked him how he could claim that Health Care was a right enumerated in the Constitution if he, himself, had no real knowledge of the aforementioned Constitution.

He mumbled.....Ended up saying he had misspoke, and what he meant was it was a "Human Right" and that we should all pay to help others who were less fortunate than we.

I asked him how many he was helping?

He wanted to know what I meant?

"I mean, bro, you are driving a BMW...that is what, a $80,000 car? How much "Basic Health Care" would that buy?" ...."And that nice (and it WAS nice) Python there? How much would that buy?" (it was mint, and nice. Likely a full Colt Custom item. Perfect Colt Blue...).

"Why don't you start, before you want everyone else to pay for your little Socialist experiment.....?"

He asked what I meant.

"Why don't you live in a very small home, sell your big one. Why don't you drive a small car, maybe a Corolla rather than that big honkin' Beemer. Live at or close to the Poverty line.....Take that money, along with what you get when you sell your firearms, your house, and your cars, and use THAT cash to show the rest of us the way it oughta be before you start saying that Health Care is a right to be paid for by others? .....Show Me The Way...?  Or is it that you are just a Socialist with Other People's Money?  How many people's healthcare insurance have YOU paid for this year? "

He packed up and left.

I didn't feel sorry. 

Terror, again, in England.

Yeah, another terror attack in England.

I'll bet it was those Lutheran immigrants from Scandinavia. Probably second generation ones helped by recent ones from Latvia. Seems to be  pattern.

And our Government wants to bring lots and lots of that group over here. Will we have the same problems in 5 or 10 or 20 years?

Police say they know the identity of the suicide bomber, but they aren't telling anyone. And knowing the name after the fact doesn't help those who were killed or injured by those flying nails and ball bearings, does it? Will any of those folks ever be the same? Will they ever have no fear in a public place?

Those damned Lutherans. 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Thank PETA

Remember going to the circus as a child?

The bright lights, graceful performers in elegant costumes, the clowns and the animals?

Those high flying acts, the jugglers and the booming voice of the ringmaster telling you about the acts?

The tigers and lions, and bears? The elephants?

Yeah, that is gonna be gone. No more. No more wide eyed youngsters watching in rapt fascination, mouths agape at the spectacle.

Since PETA chased the big animals out of the circus, fewer people go. add in the other regulations, and the loss in attendance without the animal shows, and you have the end of the circus.

Ringling Bothers and Barnum and Bailey circus shall be no more as of 7 PM tonight. 

You can watch the live stream of the last show HERE.

Thus ends the Greatest Show on Earth, destroyed by tiny, small, weasely people. 

Saturday, May 20, 2017


THis is so true.

I'd post more, but will be busy fundraising for  the NRA classes at my range.

Maybe more later.

Friday, May 19, 2017



Like Mandarins...

Can't see anyone sayin' it better. 

One thing I've noticed:

I don't know if Comey really has a memo telling us what he thought he heard or not.

If he does, I don't know what it really says, as opposed to what the Press tells us it says.

But the one thing that I haven't seen nor heard is Ex FBI Director COMEY telling me or anyone else that the President asked him to break the law.

Not a peep.

Why is he silent? 

Thursday, May 18, 2017


If Comey was asked to stop an investigation, effectively to Obstruct Justice.....Wasn't he required to report this?

I mean, he was asked to break the law, according to reports. By the President. Which, according the the DNC  MSM was illegal enough to get Trump impeached.

But Comey chose not to report it. Which would them seem to me that he either didn't think it was important enough to do anything about, or he was willing to conceal the fact that the President had effectively asked him to conspire to break the law.....Obstructing justice by failing to report the illegal actions he now claims happened.

Isn't an officer of the law (and this includes FBI agents) required to report any such actions? Isn't failure to report such actions a violation of their oath and in fact, illegal? I am told this is true by folks who work for the FBI.

Socialism is good for the figure:

The average Venezuelan citizen lost 19 pounds last year.
Lack of food will do that to ya....

Socialism has destroyed a once vibrant, wealthy country.

But Socialsim seems to turn everything it touches to shit.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

I'm glad they appointed

a Special Prosecutor regarding the "Russians" and the supposed interference with the elections last November.

I would like to see a demand for a report in not more than 90 days....60 would be better, really.  If they can't find any evidence by then, it isn't there.

Really, what with all the shit that has been bandied about, there should be proof by now.

But let's put an end to this. either prosecute someone or let it go.

Enough of this.

Monday, May 15, 2017

So why do we have Primary elections then?

(not that I think that we SHOULD have primary least not primary party elections officiated over and paid for by taxpayers...The General election, yes, but the primaries are the responsibility of the Parties)

 " lawyers for the Democratic Party tell Judge Zloch the lawsuit should be thrown out because the Party has the freedom to determine its nominees by “internal rule”, not voter interests,..."

You really should read the whole thing.

"Pot, meet kettle"

"Remove the mote from thine own eye, firstly"

The New Republic is claiming that "The Russians" are sowing thousands of "Fake News" stories to the American Public. (and perhaps they are).

But if they are gonna complain about it, shouldn't the Liberals (and especially the DNC Cheerleaders MSM clean up their own act first? 

So because they don't like how he said it......

Anyone else's travel ban....say, Barry Obama Soetoro Obama, would be OK, because of his thoughts on Islam. (And because they wanted to hobble The Donald....)

"Context matters".

No, it doesn't. Either something is legal, or it isn't. The "Context" or the reason matters not a whit.

Watch the VIDEO for more.....

The judges who issued the stays on Trump's travel ban should be impeached. Disbarred, in fact. Never allowed to judge nor practice law again in their lifetime. 


SO I need to stock the new truck, I got nearly everything I need, but I DO need to find a decent, compact REAL First Aid kit. Something that I can use to treat major stuff, not Band-Aids, and asprins.  I'm talking first aid at an accident or the like....

If I could find one, I'd get something like the kit I got when I took AD's Gunshot Wound class.

Anyone got any suggestions? I can indeed make my own, but it'll be expensive and I would have to buy a lot of stuff that I then would never use (can't buy chest seals by the "each", ferinstance).....Plus there is the hassle of finding a decent small pack to put it all in.

So does anyone have any suggestions for an already put together kit?

Sunday, May 14, 2017

And this is what happens

When you have too many of any one cultural group of immigrants on one place.....especially Muslims, but, really, of any group. When the percentage of any one immigrant group becomes too high, you end up with things that go against the "American" way. Which isn't always bad, but undermines the culture and authority of the country.

Detroit School to Hold ‘Muslim Girls Only’ Prom

Next in Detroit: Sharia Law. 

AAAAAND that's why:

Appendix carry without a holster:

Bad idea.

Here is an example.

Get a good holster. 

And a Happy Mothers Day

To each and every one of the Mothers who read this.

We love you: You bore us, raised us, and prepared us for the world.

We may not always show it, but we appreciate it.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

"Congress shall make no law"

This is, (if you'll pardon the expression) a sticky one.....

What defines a "church"?

Be specific. On the one hand, "Freedom of Religion". Who are you to tell me how and who with I can worship....or when?

On the other hand, "Zoning".....and the outrage of a few citizens.......Who happen to live near the office park where this "Church" conducts it's "services". Who are they to say where such services can be held? These "church services" are behind closed doors, not in public.

I dunno. I doubt that the folks in the neighborhood will win this one.

It is "Slippery Slope".....if you can decide that a community can define how or what a "church" is or how they "worship" then you have a mandated religion. If this were a Mosque of a Synagogue being opposed, the City would lose immediately. But instead, a bunch of bible thumping churchgoers believe they have the right to define other peoples behavior when it has no impact on their own lives......and that they can define what a "Church" and "worship" is.

I foresee this getting ugly. And I see a potential Supreme Court case here. Not my thing, but I really don't want the State to get to decide how anyone's church must conduct itself....

Of course, you can always call the BATF for a ruling....

Innit amazing?

What CAN happen when the city and State are motivated to make something happen rather than impede it?  When they help rather than impede? When inspectors show up on time and plans are approved in a timely fashion rather than languish on some bureaucrat's desk for days or weeks....(and yes there were financial incentives to the construction company too). When there isn't a call for a study for an endangered species or a survey required for drainage or for greenspace impacts or displacing homeless or any of the other bullshit that normally happens....

I-85 bridge reopens 42 days after fire destroys span. 

Here is how it happened:

And someone ate a bat again

Thus, Ebola season starts. 

Luckily, the Feds aren't bringing in folk from the Congo in job lots like they are Syrians, or it would be here. 

Friday, May 12, 2017


The Media is getting irksome.

I tune in for news, not propaganda.

'Tis interesting that every Democrat wanted Comey fired....until he got fired. I sincerely doubt Comey is the lead investigator in the investigation into the "Russians", so how is this a big deal? It's not like he was gonna excuse any behavior like he did Hillary's "mishandling" of Top Secret memos.

Then it must be a coverup. Odd how the media conveniently forgets that, innit?

And no one said anything when Billy Clinton fired Willie Sessions the day before he had Vince Foster killed Vince foster committed "Suicide"...

Because "Democrat", so "ignore improprieties".

Comey should have been fired Day One. If Comey had had any honor, he would have resigned.

And it isn't like there aren't several other investigations concurrent with the FBI investigation.

Why do I have to hear a made up scandal biased story to the exclusion of Real news?

ETA: And now they can't seem to stop using "Watergate" in the same sentence, as if to link the Break-In and subsequent debacle to Trump.

"Rules for Radicals" seems to be the rule of the Media today.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Enough, already!

Scott Pelley just can't stop using the word "Russian" every time he refers to Trump.

At this point, his credibility is beyond repair.

He has noting to point at to LINK Trump to anything Russian, But he can't (or won't) stop using "Russian" in the same sentence. Perhaps this is an attempt to link Trump and "Russians"  in his viewers minds?

Look: I am all for finding out if, as is implied, Trump was under the pay of, or was somehow aided by, the "Russians". Perhaps he really is Putin's lapdog. But this continued innuendo, without accusation and without proof is becoming pedantic, and frankly, irritating....and childish.

For many years the MSM has had little credibility with me,  But they don't have to renew my reasons for doubt daily.... I get the fact that they HATE Trump and they will do anything to delegitimize him as President. But at some point, they have to just stop.

The Left is going NUTS about this alleged Russian thing. The Left (and the Hillary campaign) made it up and the Loretta Lynch's "Justice" department believed them and then the Press ran with it....

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Can't say I am sorry to see him go

He was, at the first a political animal.

Then an administrator (and not that good of one, apparently).

Then a leader of FBI agents.

Comey Fired

What with his mealy mouthed dealing with the Hillary Server and all, and then his half assed try to assuage his conscience just before the election, he isn't suited to be the leader of an organization like the FBI. 

"What do you mean, you sold it???"

So I recently took delivery of the Dodge Ram 2500 that I had ordered.

Now, having a new truck, I had no need of my old truck, a 14 year old Dodge diesel 2500.

As the old truck had a bit of rust over the rear wheel wells, the dealer really wasn't interested in it, and, rather than make a crap offer, suggested that I sell it myself. They even did a valuation on it to give me an idea of a fair selling price.

So, I put a sign on the truck and placed it at the end of the driveway. Had several folks stop and look at it in the first week, but no one came ad threw cash at me, so I put it on craigslist on Friday afternoon.

Now, Thursday, a guy had stopped by with his wife (who disapproved) and looked at it, had taken it for a drive, and had even talked a bit about price. Said he'd call me in the morning. Except that I never heard from him, which was why I placed the truck on Craiglist.

I got the usual lowball offers via email, at least 2 scammers, and one guy came and looked at it...all before noon. This guy appeared serious, looked closely at the truck, drove it, crawled underneath it, etc. Asked all the right questions. Told me he'd call me Sunday. Which he did. He then told me he'd take it, and we arranged a time for him to come and pick it up, which happened on Sunday afternoon. Cash on the barrelhead....

Monday, the guy who looked at it THURSDAY BEFORE called and said he had decided to buy my truck.

"Sorry, dude, I sold it on Sunday"


"Sold it on Sunday. Guy from Craigslist looked at it and bought it".

"But I went to the Bank and got money and all".

"You never called me".

"I meant to, but I got busy"

"You never told me you wanted it....You were supposed to call on Friday morning. I told you I was gonna put it on Craigslist on Friday....Today is Monday. I sold it Sunday."

"Yeah, but I got busy"...."and I had to go out of town on Saturday".

"Dude, the Truck. Is. Sold."


"You. Never .Called......I. Sold. The. Truck......If you wanted it, you should have called and made an arrangement.... not waited 4 days.

"But....I wanted it!"

"Sorry bro, you snooze, you lose. If you wanted it, you should have made it plain. Put down a deposit....."


"Gotta go, bro, good luck next time".

And I hung up, shaking my head. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Just FYI:

If you have a Gander Mountain Gift Card or a Credit Card with points....

Us 'em by 5/18/17. They are Going Out of Bisness. Or not?. But until they decide, I'd use up my Gift Cards....

Yeah! The range is back to 100%

And everything works, even the target turners.

See, the guy (or guys) that built it in 1980 or so ran the signal cable(s) for the control for the (homebuilt!) target turners and timers in the same conduit as the power, clean into the breaker box, then out again through a hole drilled in the side of the breaker box (not to code).

Replacement of the (now doubled breakers) box of even older vintage necessitated cutting this wire in order to remove the breaker box.......With zero slack in the control cables.

Which led to a lot of work. Splicing and more splicing. With wires that don't match to colors because I have NO idea where they got the unmarked multiconductor cable with the weird colors. (Pastels? Really?) Blue with gray tracer and brown with red and yellow with white and all sorts of other interesting combinations.

Then, a bad splice led to lots of fun, as there is absolutely ZERO documentation on this thing. And I haven't done relay logic (and an odd mix of 1980's TTL) in like 30 years, since my first job outa tech school. Which made troubleshooting interesting and fun. Especially since the logic appears to be in several widely dispersed relay enclosures.....

It would have been nice to have a diagram, even a wiring diagram, much less a layout of the relays.

But it works, and I have made notes that should have been made 37 years or so ago (and maybe they were, but some dickhead tossed em?) and have placed the documentation inside the control box for the next poor soul who has to work on this.

If you do stuff like that, PLEASE remember the guy in the future who has to work on your stuff. Document.....Place documentation in the main control panel or nearby. Maybe notes as to where everything is?

But hey, it gave my brain a real workout, and the range is up and working the way it was when I started. 

Sunday, May 7, 2017

So France decided to put their neck in the noose.

They elected Macron.

I said that the US had taken a LARGE step towards the Abyss when we elected Barry the O the first time, and I can say that the French have taken an even greater step towards Oblivion in their choice of leader.

Thing is, this infection will spread, the Rot will get to other countries. Germany is already circling the rim, and now the rest of Europe will follow (with the POSSIBLE exception of the UK).

Bet on it. 5 years or so from now, France as you know it will no longer exist.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

TrumpCare vs ObamaCare

Here, from the BBC, is a comparison.

It is still Subsidized, it is still Socialized Medicine.


Thing is, now Trump owns it.  So when it craters in 3 years or so (and it will, the fail has already begun), it isn't BarryCare anymore, it is DonnieCare......

And this is the end of the chance the GOP had to actually, you know, succeed in regaining its power. (Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.....)

Friday, May 5, 2017

Delta apologizes

Which is good......They paid the dude's costs and offered some compensation.

The question I have, however, is did they fire the flight attendant in the video? You know, the one that lied about "federal law" and "federal regulations" regarding seating of children and/or "Federal Law" when it came to "following orders of a flight crew" (which is only applicable IN Flight (defined as terminal to terminal, and since the plane hadn't left the terminal....))...Did they fire her? If not, then they approve of her antics, and are only apologizing to the passenger and covering his costs and such because there is video evidence.

Unless they have fired her, then I gotta believe that Delta thinks this is good behavior for flight attendants.

Until folks start getting fired for this shit, it won't stop.

I'd not have been as calm and cool and collected. 

Oh, and don't forget:

Today is the Holiday for Mexicans in the US, but nowhere else in the world, not even Mexico, except for the State of Puebla...where it is a tepid holiday, at best...maybe some parades and such.

For the rest of Mexico, it is nothing special. In the US, it  is, somehow, a special day for Mexican Americans and their illegal friends. And an excuse to drink for the rest of us because cheap Mexican beer and tequila is on sale and there are drink specials at bars and such.

But mostly it is an American Mexican holiday, not a Mexican holiday. Sorta like St. Patrick's day only with darker skin and black hair.

Now that'll fix what ails ya.

154 proof Gin. 

Not for the timid. A bit harsh on yer innards....But I bet that it will make great Rheumatism medicine and such.

They want folks to return those bottles, but I bet that none are returned. 

You mis-understand:

This bill wasn't a "Repeal and Replace".

It was a "replace ObamaCare with a "less bad" version of ObamaCare".

Those 20 Representatives who voted against this abomination of a bill are the only ones who stood true to the GOP promise to REPEAL.

All of you who use the words Repeal and Replace are liars. There is no Repeal. There is still Socialized Medicine. There is still the concept that the State owes some people health care insurance based solely on their "reported" income. That the rest of the people should pay their own way. That failing to participate in the shared risk pool can be rewarded when people discover that they need someone to pay for their medical expenses (preexisting conditions) on the backs of the rest of us.

The whole concept of Socialized medicine still exists in this plan. What it has done is to more firmly cement the concept that Health Care insurance is a right as a citizen of the US.

The GOP has greatly failed to meet even my very low opinion and expectations of them.

Influencing presidential elections

Proving once again that Leftists stick together. Liberals. What can you say?

(and, of course, showing the double standards when it comes to influencing elections)

 (edited to replace removed video)

He wuz gonna

Go to College...

Just as soon as he got his GED.

Which wuz as soon as he could keep his ass outa trouble long enough to do it.

Or something.

If only he hadn't been shot fo Mindin' hiz own Bidnez

File this under WTF?

Trayvon Martin, the Florida teenager who was fatally shot by George Zimmerman in February 2012, will be awarded a bachelor’s degree in aviation from Florida Memorial University (FMU) during commencement ceremonies on May 13.

Thursday, May 4, 2017



Exactly this.

I want my campaign promises kept.

TheDonald should fire his advisors. Especially Reince Preibus, Since he took him on, Trump's message and strength had gone downhill. Seems his ability to get things done has waned.

Trump is acting like the GOP that we elected him to lead to victories, not to fail and knuckle under.

100 days, and where is the Repeal? Where is the wall (yeah, the GOP negotiated both away) where is anything in the first 100 days?

He shoulda stood firm and let the Dems cause a shutdown.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

At some point

In the replacement of the 40 year old breaker box, one must just say "FuckIt" and just get the power back on.

This is doubly true when the person who installed the original box had no idea what he was doing in the first place. (and he has passed, so I can't kick him in the ass)

It is now safe (I am amazed that thing didn't burn the whole range down) if not to Code.

It will be to code in a day or two. And the power is back on in almost every place in the range. 

If you like science fiction....

Then you should read J Curtis's recent effort.

Rimworld...Into the Green

I was one of his Beta readers. It is a good epic.

Worth buying for your reading pleasure.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Yo, Donnie:

Where is my cuts in government spending? You know, the ones you promised?

Yes, the Democrats have threatened to hold fast and shut down the Government.....How is this a bad thing? Let 'em stall and put the Federal Government into stasis for a while. I DON'T CARE. Blame them. Be loud about it. don't let them set the agenda and the Budget.

I want my "Less Government" I want my spending cuts. I want my Border Wall and my Repeal of ObamaCare.

If Reince Preibus is telling you that you should fold, remember, he was once the opposition, and he was the one pushing Jeb Bush. He was the one that let the Democrats walk all over the Republicans for the 8 years of Obama's reign.

You really need to stand fast here. Say "NO!" and demand the cuts. Demand the start of the border wall. Defund Planned Parenthood and the NEA and all those other useless agencies. Insist on a 20% cut in every 3 letter agency (and 25% in all the rest).

Stand fast. We supported you in the election and we will support you now.


Yes, I know it is hard. Yes, people will say Bad Things about you. (Hint: They already are saying Bad Things about you) . Let the DNC choose to shut the government down. But stand firm.

We elected you because you weren't More of the Same. You weren't the DNC Light GOP that we had as other choices. Don't prove us wrong here. You have a majority in the House, and in the Senate. Use that Majority. Make the RNC types stand for what they claim they stand for. Kick some butt if you have to.

Stand up, be strong, stand firm, and fight for what we want....for what you promised......Fire Reince Preibus and anyone else who says you need to be conciliatory. Fight for what you promised those of us who got you where you are.

'Cause if you keep folding your cards when the Democrats push back,  then there is gonna be a Democrat majority government running this country 4 years from now, and that ain't gonna be good for any of us or the country.

Get busy and LEAD the milquetoast Republicans away from the idea that they must fold every time when the DNC folks start playing Full Contact. Kick some ass yourself and get them in line and LEAD. It is why we elected you.

ETA: Puerto Rico? Let the island sink....or, let 'em have to sell the island to pay their debts. They aren't even a state, why should we bail them out after all those years of mismanaged finances?
Fuck 'em.

ETA: I aint the onliest one that feels this way.

Well, the good news

Is that the scniffles (Of epic proportion) have ceased, for the most part.

Sadly, it is now in my lungs. I can't walk up a flight of stairs without having to stop.

In fact, the effort put into writing this post my be a bit too much.

More later as I feel less ill.

Read the folks on the left side. They are smarter and more erudite anyway....