Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Didja notice?

So since the "Russians hacked the elections" meme didn't fly even though the news media pushed it HARD (even Democrats Hillary voters Liberals aren't that stupid), the Media and the DNC types have finally stopped bleating about it  every 5 minutes?

Then they tried the "Trump is Anti-Semitic" (which fails on any examination of the facts) and "Trumpers are doing terrible things to Jews because Trump" But that didn't fly because reality kept smacking them in the face.....The Jewish cemetery's that were trashed.....were just neglect by JEWS......The bomb threats were called in by other Jews or Democrats Hillary voters.

So what will the next meme be? The "Taxes" meme? Rachel Maddow's minion got sent Trump's return (from 2005?) "anonymously" via mail....."Appeared in my mailbox!".. and it showed that he paid taxes. Quite substantial taxes.

Now what will they try?

Someone who wasn't paying attention (or unconscious) might think that what with ABC/CNN/NBC/CBS/NPR and the major east and west coast papers all playing the same song at the same time...that someone was coordinating this......

Kinda like Barry and his anti gun agenda and all those mass shootings.......

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