Thursday, March 30, 2017

'Member this?

I do.

Odd that we didn't hear much about this 5 years ago, the Russians cooperating to help change the perceptions of  Barry Obama...(and the President ASKING them to change policies until "After the Election").

But then again, there is that double standard in reporting and in behavior expected of Democrats vs Republicans.

ETA: And then then is THIS to consider....

Put down the coffee first

Then watch this:

Ain't it the truth? 

"tis what you all voted for:

Large Burly Man in ladies restroom at Disney is disturbing.

WTF did y'all think was gonna happen?

We separate women from men, not for the men's protection or comfort....Y'all felt sorry for some chick or dude with mental problems "Gender identity issues" and couldn't resist being PC.

Ya got what ya paid for, ladies. And if you didn't vote FOR this, you chose to stay silent and not smack your activist sisters down, and this is what your silence bought you. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

There is really nothing new..The next leftist riot

we need to deploy several of these and pen the little bastards in so we can arrest 'em.

Or, we can, of course, go "Old School" and use this method of riot control.

Either way, we gotta do something to discourage the rioters. 

Somethin' ta think about


California went from drought to too much water in one single winter season.

I just can't work up any sympathy:

I tried real hard, but I just can't seem to find any sympathy at all.....

Seems Colin Kaepernick is having issues finding a job.


Free speech is not without consequences. Especially when you are an ass about it.....and even moreso when your cause is bullshit.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Mr. President Trump:

Instead of blaming the Freedom Caucus for the failure of your "replacement bill" (RyanCare) that couldn't muster enough votes...

Instead of blaming the Democrats for the failure of that stinking turd of a bill....

You might think about a couple of points:

We don't want ObamaCare, ObamaCare lite, RyanCare, RommenyCare. etc
We don't want socialized medicine, period.

You have a great advantage here. You have the sort of advantage that the Democrats had in 2010 when they chose to RUSH a bill through the legislature...leaving us with the pile of shit that we call ObamaCare. You are squandering that by offering a bill that is, essentially, the same thing. We didn't elect you as President and our Senators and Congressemen to give us Democrat Lite, Nor Socialized Medicine 2.0 (the light version), nor any of the shit we have been forced to eat for the past 8 years. You enjoy a great deal of support from the People and the Republican legislators.....But you couldn't muster enough support to get this stinking pig of a bill to even come up for a vote.....Blame only yourself and the authors of this crappy bit of legislation.

Repeal. Put it forth and you will win. Not a lesser/bad and evil version of today's law. Repeal. Yes, some folks will be unhappy. Some might even lose their insurance. Yes, you will need to give the insurance companies time to redo their plans. Build that time into the bill.  Go back to the insurance legislation and laws we had in 2008. Move from there if you wish.

But get rid of the stinking turd that is Socialized Medicine.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Democrats are smart

At least the leadership appears to be.

Someone asked yesterday at the gunshow where the Democrats were regarding Obamacare and Reform?.

'Twas pointed out that Napoleon once said "Never interrupt yer enemy when he is engaged is doing something really, really, stupid". Which answered the question pretty clearly.

Saturday, March 25, 2017


Overheard just before I abandoned a cart full of food and walked out of the store:

"I wish they'd bring back the Self Checkout lines.....They never have enough cashiers and there is always a long wait"

It's folks like this that keep the DNC alive.

"Yer poisoning us

and our kids!.

You MUST fix this....We want you to do something about our free housing being contaminated with lead......Our children are at risk! There is no safe amount of exposure to lead!


You want to MOVE us?

East Chicago section 8  families to protest forced move

So they want, exactly, what?


Some folks, if you gave 'em the keys and title to a new Caddy, would bitch about the color.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Looks like we STILL have BarryCare

'Cause the friggin Republicans can't do what they promised and REPEAL ObamaCare.

Instead they have given up (for now) on trying to shove more crap RyanCare onto us. C'mon folks.... REPEAL. Just fucking REPEAL...give us what we want, not a shit sandwich with a different kind of mustard.

And you think you are having a bad day....

The folks in Ukraine would think your day is one that they would trade for....

Large munitions depot up in flames in Ukraine, nearly 20,000 evacuated

Other reports are that there are Chemical weapons in the mix.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

So.... the more things come to light.....

the more it looks like Comey perjured himself about that domestic spying on Now-President Trump.

We knew he was sleazy. We knew he was in the tank for Hillary. We knew the DNC gave him some of his marching orders.

So now....when does he go to jail for Lying to Congress? For disseminating classified information (oh, if you area  democrat, that charge never applies).....

Seriously. When does he go to jail? 

Don't mess with the bull....

You'll get the horn.
(warning, the video at at the link isn't pretty)
Jesus, that had to hurt.
That could ruin your whole day

That pig with the makeup?

Yeah, now they gave her some heels.

She's still a pig though. FULL REPEAL folks.
It is what was promised.
Now deliver on that promise. Nothing else will do.

It is terrible

That 4 people are dead and 28+ are injured in London.

The thing is, the attacker was apparently "known to police" and "had been previously investigated for terrorist ties".

"Raids were conducted around London and other cities in England" means that the police KNEW who was a threat. Knew that there were people who were a danger (otherwise how else would they know who/where to raid. Which means they knew who were the rattlesnakes living in the midst of the citizenry.....and allowed those dangers to fester until 4 were killed and other injured.

Why allow these folks to live in the country when they know they are dangerous? 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Yep, that'll do it...

Darwin: Cleaning the Gene Pool for many generations.

Man dies while charging I-Phone in the bath.

(As an aside, 50 cycle per second like they use in Europe hurts worse than the 60 hz we use here in North America....I know this for a fact)

That pig I mentioned earlier?

yeah, now he's rolled in some shit.

Immigration provision cut from Obamacare rollback

So what we have offered to us is Obamacare Lite without fixing any of the issues that make it so objectionable.

Lipstick and eye shadow

The GOP is making changes to their proposal for the RyanCare replacement for ObamaCare.

Lipstick on a pig (and some mascara)

REPEAL the Damned Thing.

You can't fix it, it sucks, and no matter how pretty a dress you put on it, it still won't get any dances at the ball. 

Discrimination against Muslims?

I mean, now folks flying from 10 (Predominantly Muslim) airports are now not permitted to (basically) carry onboard anything larger than a smartphone...

Isn't this discrimination? Where are the activist Judges? Why aren't they claiming that this is Unconstitutional (it isn't, but they don't know from Constitutional anyway) and discriminatory and causes great harm to someone and all the other arguments they used against the Travel Ban earlier? This is is aimed at predominantly Muslim points of origin and all...

Monday, March 20, 2017


"The biggest problem with the AHCA is it leaves in place the concept that it is the responsibility of the federal government to provide health insurance for Americans who don’t have employer-provided coverage."

And that, right there, is why I oppose it.

What caliber for drone?

THIS caliber.

According to sources, the military is testing 'em too.

I'm kinda skeptical about the claim of 1200 FT range though.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Where have you been?

So the Democrats, in the Sunday Talk shows, have conceded that Obamacare needed some Tweaking....Just not the Tweaks that RyanCare is tweaking.....

My question to them, however, is just where have you been for the past 7.5 or so years?

Why didn't you tweak it to make it better during any of those those years? Especially the past 4 years?

Public funding

of Private Enterprises:

I dislike the Federal funding of private enterprises via block grants to states.

I dislike the method of funding Meals on Wheels....which is a really good program.

It gets about 35% of it's funding via Federal money.

I dislike the same method of funding for Planned Parenthood.....for the same reasons:

These are PRIVATE organizations. The Federal money they get has, effectively, no controls on how it is spent.....

Does Meals on Wheels do good work? Yes.
Does Planned Parenthood? Depends on your view.

Either way, and for the same reasons, I  am glad to see that Trump is trying to cut out this practice.

More is needed. But it is a start.

Like one of Pavlov's dogs

So I am in line at Menards to purchase some (Ozone killing) spay paint and primer.

2 behind me is a guy in a "Bernie 2016" hat with a "Bernie" button still on his jacket.

I couldn't resist.

As my turn to pay came up, I looked back at the "Bernie" guy 2 behind me.

Caught his eye and gave him a Thumbs Up.

"Y'know, Bernie was Robbed" I said, casually.

Dude directly behind me rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Guy with the "Bernie" accoutrement started in telling everyone who could hear him on how the system was rigged and the DNC was foul with people who perverted the election process and was still winding up about Trump after I had paid and was on my way to the door.

Damn, these folks are easy.

I wonder who he voted for?


ETA: I found this a few minutes ago:

(HT Common Cents)
(Warning: Video may not be SFW)


So Rachel Maddow and her cohorts at MSNBC revealed Trumps tax returns for 2005 against his wishes (or at leaset without his consent).
Which is a Federal Crime punishable by 5 years in prison and $5000 in fines.
Plus, since they left his Social Security number visible would seem to open up a whole lot more civil damages. President Trump ought a sue 'em for about $250 million and then donate that damage award to a worthy Meals on Wheels.

How to save money at the Gunshow:

Went to the bank yesterday, got some cash for the gunshow.

Got up this morning, picked up the backpack and drove 2 hours to the Indy 1500.

Where I realized that I had left the envelope with cash back on the desk......

Luckily I did not see any deals that I could not do without.

'Twas a good gunshow. Less "white"..... lots of black dudes with the kids... Not just white dudes with their kids. (lots more of both, actually) Either they are getting more family oriented or they are just going places where they used to not. Either way, a good thing. The more we get people interested (and participating) in second Amendment issues the better.

Saturday, March 18, 2017



So I am in the grocery line checking out yesterday....

Ahead of me is a dude of obvious Chinese descent buying Corn Tortillas, Swiss Cheese, and Corned beef.
I commented on the mix.
He smiled and said the Russians he worked with had given him the recipe for  "Irish Tacos".

Think on it.......
This is supposed to be how America works.

Not enclaves where they don't speak English at all.  

Friday, March 17, 2017


Approaching BATF(E) level of incompetence.

One would have thought that the Secret Service might have some standards.

Apparently not.

Nothing like it....

On a cold spring day, 36 degrees and drizzle, after being outside, there is nothing better than the heat given off by a hot woodstove to warm you up.

Some shit technology just can't improve.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

A Good Idea

A "Snowflake" test for new applicants:

Job applicants for a Connecticut-based marketing company have a unique “snowflake” test to pass before being hired.

Of course, it is likely that the liberals in the Justice Department will get with the weenies in the Department of Labor....and sue them for this test...Discrimination and/or something like Civil Rights or something. Having had to hire millenials, I gotta tell you that finding good ones can be a challenge.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Didja notice?

So since the "Russians hacked the elections" meme didn't fly even though the news media pushed it HARD (even Democrats Hillary voters Liberals aren't that stupid), the Media and the DNC types have finally stopped bleating about it  every 5 minutes?

Then they tried the "Trump is Anti-Semitic" (which fails on any examination of the facts) and "Trumpers are doing terrible things to Jews because Trump" But that didn't fly because reality kept smacking them in the face.....The Jewish cemetery's that were trashed.....were just neglect by JEWS......The bomb threats were called in by other Jews or Democrats Hillary voters.

So what will the next meme be? The "Taxes" meme? Rachel Maddow's minion got sent Trump's return (from 2005?) "anonymously" via mail....."Appeared in my mailbox!".. and it showed that he paid taxes. Quite substantial taxes.

Now what will they try?

Someone who wasn't paying attention (or unconscious) might think that what with ABC/CNN/NBC/CBS/NPR and the major east and west coast papers all playing the same song at the same time...that someone was coordinating this......

Kinda like Barry and his anti gun agenda and all those mass shootings.......

And without any Federal "Help"

 (Angel already posted on this)

Give Texas farmers and ranchers 48 hours and they’ll answer a call from anywhere.
Even from way up in the Panhandle.

'Course, that is the midwest....Conservatives and all that.

Do what they think needs to be done without 'Government" deciding or telling 'em what to do. That is what happens in "Flyover Country".

In the East or West coast, they'd still be waiting on someone from the "government" to show up....While the Midwest has done fixed the problem already.

I don't want TrumpCare

any more than I want ObamaCare.

I want full repeal.

No federal healthcare requirements. Just like we had in the beginning of 2010...Before Barry Fucked everyone that had employer provided insurance or bought their own insurance.

CBO says we'd be better off with FULL Repeal.

And isn't that what the Republicans (and TheDonald) promised us they would do once elected? Once the Republicans had control of both houses?

Well, boys and girls, you got it. House, Senate, and the white house.

None of this Mamby-Pamby "incremental" bullshit that Ryan is all for. FULL REPEAL.

Do what you promised. 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

"The weather outside is frightening"

But at the indoor  range, it is merely Loud with Sudden Flashes of Light.

Shot a hunnerd rounds of .45 through a couple of 1911' full size, one 3". I kin still keep em all on the slow fire pistol target at 50 feet....

'Twas good.
Very good.

I should spend more time at my gun club, seeing as it is only 3 miles from my home. Odd how easy it is to get lazy. 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Izzn't this interesting"

Maine drops 9000 food stamp recipients after instituting work requirement.

If states would give a similar requirement for welfare and/or Foodstamps and other handouts, along with a drug test at least quarterly, we could pay for Obamacare with the savings. I'd like to see all those folks show up at 8 AM somewhere and have to work for 8 hours like the rest of us to get their checks, even if it was doing make work. At least they'd not be able to sit at home sleeping in... nursing a hangover on Tuesday morning....

But then, it'd be "racist" somehow....

H/T BorePatch who posted it before I did. 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Use your points soon....

Seems that the Big Pile of Male Geese is falling down.

Gander Mountain files for bankruptcy:
The outdoors retailer will close 32 stores in 11 states, look for a buyer. 

I wouldn't order any guns from them, were I least don't put down a deposit.

Question for Liberals:

(I don't think that I have many readers who are liberals, but maybe some of you have friends who are and could ask them for me....?)

At what point is enough, enough?

How much "Free Shit" is enough?

Free housing....according to Liberals, a "Basic Human Right"
Free education.....also a "Basic Human Right"
Free food.....also a "Basic Human Right". (although the recipients can get prepared food payed for if they choose....even Fast Food) , not food that requires cooking or preparation).
Free money....Welfare is unrestricted on what it can be spent on in most places( (even casinos and liquor stores), also , apparently, a BHR.
Free cell phones.....again, many liberals consider them a "Basic Human Right"
Free health care now too. again, in the mind of some, a BHR.

Of course, that "Basic Human Right" is only valid if you are "Poor" or live in (newly defined every year) "Poverty".

All of this is, of course, supposed to "Help those folks out of their situation".

Yet there are more on the Free Shit wagon every year. We have 5th generation "Welfare Queens" (and Kings too!)...

So the question here, today, is at what point is enough, enough. At what point is enough Free Shit enough??

At what point does it stop?

Free cars? Free Internet? (wait, we have that for a lot of folks already!)

Where, as a Liberal, does it end?

From a conversation elsewhere: "Nobody has a right to passable roads, clean water, books at the libraries, restaurants inspected for sanitation or a basic education.
But we have all of those things, because we have concluded that in a civilized society, we should have those things. So I see no reason why medical care should not be discussed."

So, as a "civilized Society, at what point does it stop? How much Free Shit is enough?
Why does 53% of the population have to pay for the other 47%? (remember, those folks get all that Free Shit without having to DO anything for it. They aren't required to take any classes to learn a trade, or (in most places) even be drug tested for that Free Shit. It is, after all their right because they are poor or a minority or an immigrant. 

Don't forget, "Poor"people somehow always seem to find the cash for Liquor, Smokes, and Drugs (if they choose to partake).

(Now, I have no issue paying for those who are disabled, handicapped, or otherwise unable to support themselves....but those who just keep getting a free ride? Nope)

And remember, this isn't voluntary for most of us. Taxes are taken from us, ultimately at the point of a gun. We have no choice.
The Liberals who want us to give more don't first voluntarily give all of their money and goods away and reduce themselves to poverty before expecting others to give their hard earned assets to others. Nope, they live their lifestyles and expect the Government to take that money to pay for Free Shit from others.

So, to my few (if any) liberal readers.....How much is enough? Free education, Free housing, Free food, Free phones, Free spending money, Free health care. No work, no drug tests, no requirements except that you choose not to work....and ask for Free Shit.

If you know a Liberal, show this to them and ask 'em to write a response in the comments.

Did you forget to change your clock?

Do you feel that you are running late today?

It isn't too late to fix that.

"Spring forward"

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fuck you, you fucking fucks

And all of you who apologized as well.

Don't like this country? Go back wherever you came from. our?

Ashamed of your country? Go find somewhere else to live.

Fans wearing red, white, and blue at HS basketball game called ‘offensive’
If you find this offensive because you are an immigrant, then perhaps you never took your citizenship oath seriously.

Don't let the border hit you on the ass on the way out, dickhead.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

CBS....why didn't you try doing this for the previous 8 years?

"in our current attempt to educate the public and separate fact from fiction".

Yeah, if they only would have done this for Barry and his statements half as hard as they have for TheDonald.....

Yeah, like that will be different.

""Trumpcare is here and you are going to hate it," Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT)

So what is gonna be different?

Obamacare has been here for a while, and everyone hates it.

This kinda sucks, but it prolly won't be any worse.

Until you get folks to be productive, and try, at least, to pay their own way, you can't have universal healthcare. When fully 30% of the citizens don't want to work, and would rather gather "free shit" paid for by the rest, any economic model fails.

When you make it economically sound for jobs to go elsewhere, and the government actually promotes those moves, you have folks who can't pay for their own health insurance cause they have no job...even if they would rather be working.

Unfucking the country by changing Obamacare isn't gonna be easy or quick. (Which was, I think, a part of the reason Obamacare was implemented the way it was)

One real issue in this is the current belief that poor and perpetually uncemployed people are supposed to get their insurance for free, and the rest of us should pay for it.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Preppers paradise

Just the thing for the coming civil unrest....

Or the Zombie Apocalypse.

And, as an added bonus, highly tornado resistant.


The only real issue is that it is located in Pretty Much Nowhere, Missouri. (actually, just a bit north of there....)

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Yeah, that's pretty much it...

I thought I'd give the NASCAR race boys another chance....Tried watching the Atlanta race.

Pretty much like the Daytona race. I got better things to do. Like take a dump. Or pick my toenails. Clean catboxes....Or a multitude of other things.

Guess that they don't need me to be a part of the audience anymore.

Yeah, I'm old and all that. But with viewership declining, you'd thing they'd stick with what did work:
Balls out racing flag to flag, slowing only for crashes and to refuel and get tires... not this silhouette racing in "stages" with "cars" that all appear to be the same....And now with stops so the "drivers" can rest and change their onesies. This was once a race for (and by) men. Not so much anymore.

I think Jeff Gordon got out just in time....

The good news is that I will have 2-3 more hours to do things every weekend....

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Tryin' to understand here, Boss....

So for the past 8 years, Barry did everything he could to snub and undermine and otherwise damage the State of Israel.

And during his reign, the incidents of anti-semitism jumped up significantly  but Barry Obama didn't do anything to stop it. Never said a word about these incidents.

And the press ignored them. And ignored the silence of Barry the O.

And the claim (although a lie) is that "incidents of Anti Semitism are on the rise since Trump began his campaign" and it is all because Trump is encouraging it in his supporters.

Yet, oddly, Trump has been in  office a bit over a month. There has been several incidents of antisemitic threats and vandalism at cemeteries. And somehow, this is Trump's fault. Somehow, he is the enemy of Jews. Somehow he is anti-semitic. Even though the rate of incidences has decreased...

Yet he is held in high regard by Israel. Called "friend" by "Bibi" Netanyahu.....

And yet, he is held as Anti-Semitic.

Is this just more lies by the MSM (and the ADL)? Are the "rank and file" jewish folks buying it? Are they that stupid?  Some that are normally highly intelligent and discerning seem to believe it.  Perhaps their Trump Derangement Syndrome predisposes them to want to buy it....

Or is it just more Big Lie by the press repeated over and over?

Friday, March 3, 2017

I'm pretty sure I'd refuse

at least until either they:

1. Showed me their legal statutory right to demand my identity papers inside the borders....Which they don't have. (They can try and claim the 100 mile rule, but that wouldn't fly in this case)
2. Explained WHY they needed me to show my identity papers (and asked politely).

Option 3 is, of course, arresting me. Which has happened in the (far) past, so isn't that frightening to me.......especially since I don't have to worry about my boss being unhappy about and losing my job or security clearance.

A search for a deportation target leads to a demand for travelers' "papers" at JFK

But so many people aren't sure of their rights and are afraid of anyone with a uniform and badge. Which is why they get away with it....

The big deal

is that the "Russians" "Meddled" in the 2016 US elections.

What, exactly, are the "Russians" supposed to have done?

Changed vote counts? Hacked the voting machines so they registered incorrect votes?

Brainwashed the citizens to vote for Trump (or Hillary)?

What, exactly, did they do?

'Cause I haven't heard any specifics.

I'm all for an investigation if there is likely to be something there at the end of it.

But if we are gonna spend MILLIONS of dollars no direction to the investigation and end up with just a platform to have our elected officials pontificate and then nothing at the end....I got issues with that. The Conservatives did it several times using Ken Starr and wasted big bucks and got nowhere. I don't want a repeat of that.

I'd like to see some specific charges before we go much further. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Laughable, if not so tragic

Early spring storms erupted in northern Illinois as canadian air clashed with warmer humid southern air, creating a line of extremely strong thundercells and tornadoes along I-80.

Hard hit was the small town of Naplate Il. . The physical damage, like in all such storms, was one was seriously hurt in that town....For the residents, it was tragic

The news media personalities are a joke, however. Most were unsure as to where the town was, how to pronounce the name of the town, or what the people of the small town might even look like or speak like......these news personalities have likely never BEEN to a town of less than 10,000 people...

Their reaction to these people is almost comical. 

'Twas, as always...

Short on details....such are Presidential speeches.

Having said that, his direction is the drection I would like for us to take our country.

Not too keen on the paid leave, but overall, a good speech.

I liked the "America first" theme, and the fact that he feels that he "represents the American people, not the world" About time we had a president who understood that.

At least the Democrats more or less behaved like adults. 

Blame the DNC

All you folks suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, and all you weeping sisters crying about Trumps actions taken since his inaguration...... you folks who can talk about nothing else but how terrible Trump is as a person and a President...

Blame the DNC. They are the ones who put Hillary Clinton into the position where folks had to choose the lesser of the two weasels.

Trump may have been the weakest candidate to ever win an election. But he won. He is, like it or not, no matter how much you cry or pout, the legally elected Preident of the United States....he is my president, and no matter ho many times you say otherwise,  he is your president too.... just as Obama was our president..even though about half of us disliked him nearly as much as you disliked Trump.

Why? Because many of the folks who voted for him did so only because the alternative was a vile, slimy, nasty, woman who sold her office (when Secretary of State) and who failed to follow the  laws....and got away with it because she was the DNC presidential candidate. A woman who hated the country and the citizens. Who wanted to set herself up for even greater profits as President. A candidate who couldn't hide her disdain for a great portion of the productive citizens of the country. One who believed in the State, rather than the Individual. Possibly the most disliked candidate ever.

There are those who point out that she won the popular vote. Yes, but take out the cities and counties where the citizens overwhelmingly depend on Federal goverment largesse, (and have huge illegal poulations) and she lost, overwhelmingly. Or, discount the states with no voter ID and get the same result (draw your own conclusions there...).

Had the DNC (or, for that matter, the RNC) presented any candidates that weren't repugnant to a great percentage of the (legal) voting population, Trump would not have had a chance.

Few people voted FOR Trump. Many, probably most, voted AGAINST Hillary.

Don't like your President? Then blame those who gave you shitty choices....but grow up. Stop whining and pissing and moaning like a snippy 13 year old girl.

You have four years to think about it.....