Thursday, February 9, 2017

22 years

And a in the US......22 years.

Yet she couldn't be bothered to try to become a citizen.

Got caught using a false Social Security number...and did the thing she thought was right, which was to show up at the immigration official's office when she was scheduled to.

By all rights, all accounts, a model citizen.....
Except she wasn't, and apparently never wanted to be, nor saw a need to be, a citizen.

Now she is deported.

While I feel for her and her family, when one breaks the rules, one often must pay the price for that. I don't feel sorry for her. Were it not for Obama's politics, she'd have been deported years ago. Being a Felon and all...
Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos is paying the price for her behavior. 


  1. If one of us had used a fake SS number, we'd be IN JAIL! I haven't the slightest bit of sympathy. Anyone who has had their SS number copped will tell you that doing so is not a petty crime! May this be the first of millions...
