Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Not that they will actually LEARN

to shoot them well, but still:

  “Progressives” buying guns for purposes other than “sport shooting,” and doing so for the express purpose of defending against what they see as a potentially tyrannical government and the chance of civil unrest. Likewise, minorities are also buying guns, and for the same reason.

Millenials....they likely think they can learn to shoot well by watching a video or two on YouTube.....and that they can just pick 'em up and shoot well and accurately..Just like in the mooviees. 

HT: WarOnGuns


  1. Good for the blue staters. Whatever their reasons for buying firearms I welcome them to the community. Just like buying a home or starting a business their attitudes with regards to their right to keep & bear these arm's will come in line with those of us who have been here for decades.

    I would advise them to seek out training from qualified instructors, and begin the process of understanding the laws for their jurisdiction.

    It's unfortunate that because of their advocacy of boneheaded firearm laws. most of the folks in blue state land will find it difficult if not impossible to obtain the most useful and sought after firearms available. Added to that is the fact that obtaining carry permits in these blue states will be cost prohibitive if available at all.

    Blue staters all have to begin the process of rolling back these laws in their jurisdictions if they want to enjoy this enumerated right. I'm all for that.

    Perhaps these blue state libs will approach the NRA for help. Who knows maybe the ACLU will pick up the torch for the restoration of the 2nd amendment to all the citizens of our country.

    Just a word of warning to blue state libs & melenials. If you reason for obtaining firearms is to have some sort of an armed uprising to establish a socialist society that is crazy talk and a fantasy, be aware that us red staters have you hopelessly outgunned. We've been doing this for decades and would squash you in short order.

    Have at it, remember the four rules, get some training & clean up your brass.

  2. Good for the blue staters. Whatever their reasons for buying firearms I welcome them to the community. Just like buying a home or starting a business their attitudes with regards to their right to keep & bear these arm's will come in line with those of us who have been here for decades.

    I would advise them to seek out training from qualified instructors, and begin the process of understanding the laws for their jurisdiction.

    It's unfortunate that because of their advocacy of boneheaded firearm laws. most of the folks in blue state land will find it difficult if not impossible to obtain the most useful and sought after firearms available. Added to that is the fact that obtaining carry permits in these blue states will be cost prohibitive if available at all.

    Blue staters all have to begin the process of rolling back these laws in their jurisdictions if they want to enjoy this enumerated right. I'm all for that.

    Perhaps these blue state libs will approach the NRA for help. Who knows maybe the ACLU will pick up the torch for the restoration of the 2nd amendment to all the citizens of our country.

    Just a word of warning to blue state libs & melenials. If you reason for obtaining firearms is to have some sort of an armed uprising to establish a socialist society that is crazy talk and a fantasy, be aware that us red staters have you hopelessly outgunned. We've been doing this for decades and would squash you in short order.

    Have at it, remember the four rules, get some training & clean up your brass.
