Saturday, January 23, 2016

Another class

I'm helping teach yet another NRA First Steps pistol course. Demand for this course has grown to the point where we are teaching once a month and the classes are full every time (the classroom at our range accommodates 27 max).

More and more people are getting serious about carrying, and this class is as it is called, the first step. Women, non-white people (in an an area that is probably 90% white) are taking this class. Lots of interest, we could run 3 classes a month, but there are only so many instructors..... Used to be a few years ago, we had issues getting enough interest for a once a month class that was half full, not so much today. Every time Barry talks, attendance jumps. Plus crime is rising everywhere, and people are realizing that the police just make a report after the fact....(or, as one of my students pointed out,if they aren't drawing a line with chalk around your body)

We charge just a bit more than the NRA charges us for the class, (covers insurance and a few dollars per person for the range facilities) none of the instructors or coaches are paid, the pop and coffee is free and range time is at zero cost.

I enjoy this, and I owe a lot of folks who taught me 30-40 years ago, few of whom I am able to thank, cause they have passed. So this is my thanks to them......

Payin' it forward, one person at a time.

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