Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I'll be damned

The NRA took a stand. I didn't think they had the balls.

NRA withdraws from Eastern Sports and Outdoors show due to Reed Exhibitions decision to ban "modern sporting rifles"

 And Now Ruger has pulled out as well. 

Mossberg as well.

ETA: Here is a more complete list of boycotting companies. 

Some of these companies make the bulk of their orders at this show. THese smaller companies are risking a lot to make a statement. I intend to look at the list carefully and will choose them when their products match my needs, even if I have to pay a premium. I hope you do too. 

  ETA: links fixed


  1. It seems there is only a single lone company willing to put their name up as a supporter of ESOS currently. Progressive Insurance. Fitting name...

  2. And apparently they have now 'postponed' the show...
