Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thank you

To all of you who took the time to give us your support and condolences in comments and emails.

My house is a lesser, smaller place. My life is missing something, and nothing can replace that which is missing. If I could exchange years of my life for more time with her, I would do so gladly. But your words have helped us, and for that I thank you.

Entering my home, with no puppy to greet me is hard. It hurts each time it happens. But we are dealing with the emptiness, and are learning to live without that which is missing.So many things remind us of our loss, but the pain, while sharp, will fade with time, as we develop the scars necessary to endure.

We are adjusting, and, while it will take time, we shall learn to live with the enormous loss we have suffered. Time will help, as will the concern of our friends.

Again, thank you all for your condolences, words of comfort, and concern. You have helped to take some of the pain from us, and have shared it, and for that we can only thank you.


  1. I know it hurts, nothing that we can say/do helps that. Know that we do care.

  2. You and M.C. are family to me and many of us, even if we are not related by blood. I'm here, Barkley is here for lab therapy, whenever you need it.
