Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hey! Barry and his people like crack

Crack Cocaine, that is...

Seems that Crack, which has destroyed poorer neighborhoods ....a disproportionately higher number of black
neighborhoods.....and a higher number of black citizens are arrested for possession than any other race.....

So what is the solution? Reduce the penalty for possession of crack....

Yeah, that'll help/ It'll keep fewer black folks (and, lets face it, fewer of everyone) from being tossed in prison....But IT WON"T HELP THE DRUG PROBLEM.

Gotta keep the racial balance and all that....Fools.

1 comment:

  1. They dropped the amount from 100g to 18 which is the same jail time everywhere I have checked, so it looks like they are blowing happy smoke up every bodies butt again.
