Sunday, July 25, 2010


The chore of cleaning is the only thing I regret after a day at the range.....

But spending an afternoon at the range with Midwest Chick, Og, and Partner is still worth the effort of scrubbing the lead and powder ash from the barrel.

We caused a great deal of tissue and organ damage to the paper targets, then burned the rest of the pistol ammo with wholesale slaughter of bowling pins.

Og is a mean shot with his .380 Colt (officers?) and Partner is greased lightning on ball bearings with his new 92....Midwest Chick is also a mean shot with my 1911. We all ran out of centerfire and finished the genocide with our .22 pistols.

If there is a better way to waste an afternoon for me, than turning loaded rounds into smoke and noise, in the company of good people.... then I cannot tell you what it is.


  1. "If there is a better way to waste an afternoon for me, then I cannot tell you what it is."

    Well, I can tell you, but I can't hook you up. You'll have to talk to the Chick about that.

  2. yeah, ok, I get it....but I get tired after the first 10 or 12 shots....
