Saturday, March 20, 2010

"Window War" begins

They (those that vote for the Health care abomination legislation should TAKE HEED.

See The Window War.

They are lucky that there are only bricks flying and not lead and brass. Or cocktails of the Molotov variety.  (I do, BTW, have an alibi for this incident)

As for myself, I think that rope is a better inducer of fear.

And they SHOULD fear. They should fear returning home. Fear for their lives, the safety of their families, and the integrity of their homes and material goods.

I'm not willing to start that demonstration of my disgust (only because they aren't worth going to prison over), but I would heartily endorse it should it happen.

But, as the man said: "A rrriot is an ugly thing......Und I think that it is time ve had one!"

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