Monday, September 21, 2009

Finally got a chance to post......Had to do a hack on the Prius to get the electric only mode to work....This might just save me some real significant amounts of gas....

I'd have posted sooner, but getting home I had all number of chores to do, and little time to post last night. Then today, as I said, I had the install to do on the Prius and then cooking....grilled steak with angel hair pasta and grilled peppers with mushrooms, onions and green onion shoots....

Had a great time a the BlogMeet yesterday (Sunday). If you are in the area and can attend the next one, I HIGHLY recommend spending time with these folks. Intelligent, well spoken, interesting, well thought out people.

I met Roberta (of course) and Old Grouch, and Shermlock, and One MansVote, and a few others....

While some are smart asses (all in good fun!!!), they are all highly intelligent, very entertaining, and worth the time to meet. I hope to be able to make the time to do other BlogMeets. But the drive is about 1:45 so it can be problematic.

Many thoughts whirled around the table that few hours, and many things were discussed. We didn't solve the world's issues, but we discussed many of them and it was good, and the food was excellent. I followed Roberta's lead in getting the buffalo burger with mushrooms, cheese and bacon (MMMM, Bacon!).

Go, if you can.

If not, you'll be the poorer the next day.

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