Wednesday, June 3, 2009

you gotta be fucking kidding me...

This story shows what asses the courts are.

Teachers have no need for dug tests? Come on. If anyone needs to be clean, it is those who are interacting with, and educating and influencing the thinking of children.

of course, it's not like they are doing something important like driving a truck, or something.

They are government employees fer chrissake! They all should be subject to random testing.

Make no mistake, One of the most influential teachers that I had in high school was a borderline alcoholic. But he was ALWAYS sober when he was in school. ALWAYS.

ANd, for the record, I can pass a drug test anytime.

But when you take the state's money, you should be subject to the laws of the state.

And moreso if you are a cop or a teacher.

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