Monday, February 3, 2020

Now woudn't ya know....

So yesterday was the first clear day in 12 days.
The first day without cloud cover below 2000 feet.

I hadn't flown an Instrument lesson for all that time.

Today was clear below 12,000. Perfect flying weather.

The winds were at 21 gusting 34 from 270.
58 at 300 feet.
I was scheduled to fly at 11 AM with one instructor. Cancelled that one. Not a chance that I would learn anything trying to hold in those winds.

And another lesson scheduled at 2 PM with another instructor.
We cancelled that one as well. Other flight schools were cutting their flight lessons short due to turbulence.

Maybe today.

This has been an odd winter, weather wise.

Instead, I practiced my draws and pint shooting indoors with my favorite 1911 and the Coolfire trainer.

I should have been studying for my Written test, but my brain is full right now. 

1 comment:

  1. Yep, we're supposed to get 7-12 inches tonight into tomorrow... In North Texas... sigh
