Sunday, November 17, 2019

I'm not sure if I should ever fly it again:

This was the tach after I shut it down after flying yesterday, just before pushing it into the hangar:

Yeah, look at the time on the Tach:

666.0 Tach Time  on the engine.


  1. I'd idle it on the ground for an hour or so...

    On the upside, you do have 777 to look forward to...

  2. let someone else take it up next time. They'd figure you were being a downright nice feller.

  3. LOL, and you have the picture to prove it...

  4. Just fly it for a bit upside down, so it reads "999". That ought to handle it. ;-)

  5. A little holy water on the cowling or a hamsa in the cockpit and you'll be good to go.
