Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Innit interesting

How the Left and the Media (but I repeat myself) keeps redefining "racist"  and how they keep applying the label in an attempt to damage anyone with whom they disagree?

I think that TheDonald is playing the Media and the Left (again, I repeat myself)....and is polarizing opinion against the Left.

I believe that a whole bunch of people, both Left and Right, are thinking that Donnie is right....these folks hate the country, and talk trash about the US....and despite the spin placed upon his words by the Media, most of our population dislikes it when people, especially far Leftists and recent immigrants. denigrate the US.

Have you ever noticed that the Left doesn't ever discuss how wonderful the US is...that it is a great enough place that people try nearly anything, brave extreme dangers, to get here?

And have you ever noticed that those same Leftists want "change" ....and that they expect the rest of us to acquiesce to that "Change" even when it will cause hardship or increase our tax burden?

It isn't like they are willing to pony up some money or change their lifestyle in order to get that "Change"...they expect the rest of us to pay for it.....Or to change OUR lifestyle to facilitate their "Change".

"Love it Leave it"...at some point someone is gonna say it, and what then?

I would ask, rather...If you hate this country so much, why don't you move to a place where you like it better? What gives you the right to change THIS country?

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