Thursday, February 1, 2018

Boosting the signal:

In case you haven't heard, one of our own has suffered a tragedy.

Read HERE.

My condolences to Angel and her Family. If ya got a minute, and are so inclined, say a prayer to whomever you pray. Or at least think good thoughts her way. She's good people, and doesn't deserve this.

Ken Lane (Wirecutter), AKA Knuckledraggin, is doing a fundraiser, 'cause this couldn't have come at a worse time for the family.

You can find out how to donate HERE.
I tossed a Benjamin her way (who needs ammo this month?), but even $5 or $10 will help.

We often help many we don't know, who aren't part of ourTribe.
Let us come together hand help one of our own.