Friday, January 16, 2015

This might well help the Republic:

Arizona passes law REQUIRING high school students to pass a civics test to graduate.

At lest they will know (somewhat) what the government can and can't do, and should and should not do.

They might actually understand their civil rights as enumerated in our Constitution.

Might be damaging to the Liberals though....


  1. Would love to sit in on the part where they have to explain how a president can unilaterally trump settled immigration law just to pander to a political constituency.

    Of course this being Arizona, they'll likely have to teach it in spanish as well as American.

  2. Viewing the Social(ist) Studies Teachers at the HS level in my district, it will not resemble anything that is actually in the Constitution as well as 200+ years of Supreme Court decisions.

  3. My daughter told me her social studies teacher says Communism is a good just hasn't been done right yey..... I just anour lost it in the car pool line when I heard that.

  4. I hope they don't use Common Core for a base of the test!
