Sunday, July 20, 2014

James Rockford is finally off parole....

James Garner has passed.

Hell of an actor, Great voice.

I grew up watching the "Rockford Files". 

So many great roles played out so well.
I always thought his role in Maverick was a great swan song...Playing the father of a character he had played in his youth.

All good rides must come to an end.


  1. He seemed like one fine man. I always liked watching his shows. Rockford was a classic.

  2. My favorite movie with him was 'Murphy's romance" back when Sally Field was still smoking hot

  3. I remember him from the original Maverick... Quite the departure from the usual Westerns back in the day... May he RIP!

  4. And just yesterday I was watching "Support your local gunfighter" on Amazon. Sigh.

  5. I don't think I've ever seen anything he was in that I didn't thoroughly enjoy. He will be missed.

  6. Jim Rockford wasn't on parole. He received a full pardon.
