Monday, November 18, 2013

It would appear

That procrastination sometimes pays off.

Having had a (somewhat painful) pinched nerve in my neck, I had been putting of vacuuming the leaves from the many trees in my yard off of my lawn. Generally I have to do it several times as the leaves inconveniently fail to fall all at once.This year I haven't even tried to start the vacuum, much less moved a single leaf yet. They were getting.....thick.

However, the 7+ MPH winds (with gusts above that!!!) seem to have dislodged the last of the leaves from the trees very well.

Plus the wind was strong enough that a significant portion of them, even though wet, moved to my useless waste of oxygen neighbors yard.

Procrastinate!!! (later)


  1. Way cool!

    I wish it worked that way for me.

    I hope to be home this weekend; what's the rental on that equipment, again?

  2. You can have it this weekend.

    COme get it.
