Friday, December 18, 2020

"Some white guy"

 So I stopped on the way to some shopping...

I see these two women on the left side of the road, on the shoulder, hazard lights blinking. I pull over in front of them and walk back to see if they need my help. (I may not be a gentleman, but I can't pass by a lady in distress)

They had lost the entire exhaust system, catalytic converter back. It was hanging by a thin strip of exhaust tubing and one mount, getting caught under one of the rear tires, and making a lot of dragging noise. Not a big deal, easily removed so they could get on their way. Took less than 5 minutes. 

The one lady was on the phone with someone, and when I offered help, she said into the phone "Some white guy is here and he is helping us". 

Did I mention that these two ladies were african-American? 

But I wasn't "Some Guy" I was "Some White Guy" to her. I didn't care what color they were, I saw two ladies in need of help. She saw a "White Guy".  

I got them on their way, and her companion thanked me for my help. 

But it was strange. 


riverrider said...

but we're the racist ones.

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

Good for you, sir.

I had a similar opportunity a couple of months ago. Two girls of just-barely 16 and a 12 Y-O boy.

Before I started changing the tire I instructed the girl to take my picture and send it to somebody trustworthy like her mother or a grandparent.

Honest people don't fear transparency or accountability. I told them to NEVER get in a compromising situation with anybody who refuses to have their picture taken and sent to a guardian.

I don't know if they heard me but I tried.

Old NFO said...

Good on ya! You could have turned around and walked away, but you didn't.

B said...

I generally don't just drive by, Jim, unless it is a man that I judge can handle it himself...even then, I generally stop and ask if they need help.

Almost always for women or youn kids.

Even if they just see me as "some White Guy" and nothing else.

Ritchie P said...

I am from India. But, very pale. Whiter than most whites. And I get shit like this all the time.