Thursday, May 31, 2018

in less than 5 years:

We will talk about "Where Scotland used to be".

Much like Califronia, the people voted into power seem to be trying to destroy the place. 

Or one could learn...

To not break laws when you can't afford to pay the fines.

In a federal lawsuit filed Wednesday, attorneys for the two say North Carolina’s practice of revoking drivers’ licenses of people who can’t pay their traffic fines and court costs is unconstitutional because it violates the rights to due process and equal protection under the 14th amendment.

What do you want to bet that these 2 people have had a drink 4 or 5 times a week, Or ought a coffee from a coffeehouse....or eaten out since they got those fines? Unless they are already eating rice and beans, I'd bet they could have come up with the money, had they chosen to do so by making that a priority instead of spending money on other things....

Most people make different choices. Some never learn. Which category do you think these folks are?

Oddly, the smugglers failed to get a permit.....

So the Border Patrol wants to fill in the tunnels they find that go under the border from Mexico to the US...used to smuggle people and drugs into America.....

Makes sense, right? If the tunnel is filled in, then no one has to sit at the exit and watch to make sure it isn't still being used....

But the EPA  requires a permit for "Remediation" to fill in the tunnels with gravel and cement. It sometimes takes months for a permit. 

Yet, oddly no one got a permit to dig the things in the first place. And no one got fined for doing it, either. Seems the EPA has it's priorities all screwed up, doesn't it? Perhaps they could use their SWAT team to guard it instead of CBP officers. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Never trust clowns

Especially late at night.

Never let 'em get within Tueller distance.

Keep firing until he falls away from you.

Little Caesars employee shoots, kills attacker wearing clown mask.

If a dude walks or runs up to me wearing a clown mask in an alley after 11 pm, I might be surprised enough not to shoot at first too....

So much for their oath

"Sworn agents"

All they are worried about is a job and a retirement.

“This is a great opportunity for senior or [soon to be retiring] guys, not for someone like me. It’d be suicide. I hate to say it, but neither the judiciary nor the executive branch is wielding any kind of effective oversight right now, and the top managers know it.”“You still have a ton of bad people in place. Unless that changes, and I haven’t seen any degree of seriousness on the part of ranking members nor staffers, I’m not meeting with anyone nor willing to be subpoenaed. I’m not coming forward until they get their act together.

So much for their integrity as lawmen of the land.

"An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, (State your name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” 

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

So, Starbucks fell on it's sword:

Closing it's company owned stores for "Diversity Training" in an attempt to expiate it's sin....

Or something.

Instead of standing tall and saying:

"For the protection of our customers, and to make an enjoyable, safe environment in our customer areas, we have restricted the use of our bathrooms and public areas to our customers, not just anyone. The men who were arrested were politely asked to either pay for a drink, therefore becoming customers or to leave. They chose to do neither. When the police were called, they were again offered the chance to either become a customer or to leave. They refused to do either and were, therefore, arrested. This was a setup and we refute all claims of racism. Again, in order to use our facilities; bathrooms chairs, tables, etc, ONE MUST BE A matter what their race." 

they chose to knuckle under to the SJW folks. they've spent millions of dollars and reignited the debacle and the media attention...

If you have Starbucks stock, I'd sell it.

The city had no laws pertaining to residential gardens, which means they were technically not allowed.

I would not like to live anywhere where this attitude is prevalent...

"If something is not permitted, then it is automatically prohibited".

Think about that statement.

This city's government has the attitude that, if an activity is not specifically addressed in the city code and permitted by that same code, then it is illegal.

"The city had no laws pertaining to residential gardens, which means they were technically not allowed." 

According to the city’s laws, if something is not permitted it is prohibited.

“Right now, if there is not something expressly in this code that says that you can have one, you technically can’t,” Blakeman confirmed.

This attitude, folks, is the very definition of tyrrany

I would expect that the folks in Columbiana Ohio should think about this in the upcoming elections, wouldn't you? 

For all the "Failings" of our country

At least we don't have things like this happen:

Tommy Robinson, a British activist and journalist, has been arrested outside a Leeds courtroom for livestreaming information about a Muslim gang on trial for raping and grooming hundreds of victims, some as young as eleven.

In other words, while the US has Free Speech, and the right to report trials, the Brits don't. The government gets to decide what you can talk about (or not) as they wish....and you can't do anything about it.

The best part is that the Judge banned anyone from talking about the case. So there WILL be no dissent. Or else.

If this isn't a reason to show how our Constitution makes this country better, I don't know how to show you any better.

Note: HE WAS ARRESTED AND JAILED FOR REPORTING the trial.....Not for doing anything else wrong.....But for simply showing the trial to other countrymen.... For bringing to light the crimes the the British government is trying to cover up....the pedophile group that abused children....

Why is the British Government trying to hide this?? Is it because the perpetrators are Muslim?

At least here in the US these crimes would not be hidden.

I expect that England, as we know it, is lost forever. 

Monday, May 28, 2018


Remember WHY you got Monday off.

It ain't "Barbecue Day"...nor is it "The Official Start of Summer".

If this wan't a moveable holiday, then perhaps people would remember.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Because this America, that's why

Crowd boos, when told "there will be no anthem, Play Ball"....sings National Anthem anyway.

Because, you left coast assholes, some folks are still traditionalists and are proud of their country and are not ashamed to show it....

There might be hope for Califronia yet....

So today

When you are cracking that beer, toasting those hot dogs or burgers or ribeyes, ribs, chicken, steaks, or whatever on the grill.
Having fun, laughing with friends or family......
Sitting on the deck, or in the yard, or whatever you do to "celebrate" this Memorial Day weekend....

Take 5 minutes...just 5..
Thank those folks for whom this Memorial Day is meant.

Those who gave their all. From any war in the past 240+ past the men killed yesterday in Afghanistan....
Say a silent prayer....or just say "Thank You"...they'll hear it.

And take another minute and remind the rest of the folks around you WHY they got a 3 day weekend.
And ask them to remember as well.

Saturday, May 26, 2018


So for YEARS, everyone was an "Open secret" that Harvey Weinstein took full advantage of the "Casting Couch" ...he had the power, and he used it.

But the thing is, he paid up. All those women who sold themselves....who chose to acquiesce in order to advance their careers in the movie business....those women made a choice. Most were, at best mediocre actresses of uncertain beauty......of less talent than many others. But they got what they wanted....

Is there any shame. any derision, and disgust for those women who, by choice, made their careers happen using their" charm", their looks, their bodies?  For those women who played the game with Harvey, who prostituted themselves in their quest for fame....when their talents could not get them the parts they desired?

Society, and people in power are going after Harvey Weinstein....but he only sold what those women were buying. What they were willing to pay for....

And those women should be held up and scorned...derided as much or more than Harvey.

And those who "Claim" he did something against their will...and who kept quiet for years, just, if their story is true, enabled him to do it to other women. Which makes them cowards for not telling their story.

So where is the scorn for all those women who, in one way or another, (and there is no nice way to put it) whored themselves out for fame and fortune??

Someone, somewhere, greatly powerful, has decided to destroy Harvey Weinstein. 

Friday, May 25, 2018

So when

are we gonna get some form of communication from the Mueller led "investigation"???

So far, I haven't seen squat from them or anyone else as far as them finding anything. They've claimed that they have found things about some of the folks that were around the Trump Campaign, but so far, nothing on any of the principals. And I have not ever seen any document that shows what the scope of their investigation is, or what limits they have.....Even Kenneth Starr had limits and a destination in mind when he began his journey into the dark secrets of the Clintons....

Is there a deadline wherein they must produce something or give up their "investigation"? Are there any responsible people doing any reviewing of the work they claim to be doing? Is there a point where someone says "Ok, you've spent enough money and have "X" man hour invested and you haven't got squat" and forces them to disband their witch hunt?

Or is this open ended investigation going to keep digging forever? Is it an actual, you know, investigation, or just a jobs program for mediocre lawyers? 

At what point does this witch hunt end? 

Thursday, May 24, 2018

But women don't lie about stuff like that.....

Yeah, sure. How often have we heard that from other women?
Except that this sort of thing keeps happening. Women can no longer make the accusation and then just cry to be believed....

Bodycam proves Texas Highway cop DID NOT sexually assault woman he arrested for DUI. It appears that he was very professional

So is she gonna get time for the false accusation? Seems to me that she should get the maximum penalty that HE was up against. If he was up for 5 years, then she should get 5 years. Plus character assasinnation damages.

The thing is, these false allegations undermine the credibility of those women who ARE victims of men who rape or otherwise molest them.  Who do we believe?

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

"Stand or stay off the field"

The NFL finally grew a set of balls....sorta. 

If players are on the field when the National Anthem is played, they will stand.

Or, they can hide in the locker room.

Or fines will be levied on their employers.

This is a decent start. I have grown tired of the bullshit. Tired of the disrespect towards our country.
These players are, at the end, employees. And it is time that the NFL (and the teams) made them behave.

I'm all for folks exercising their First Amendment rights....just not when they are working.

And the perceived "Brutality" towards black people is just that....perceived. Behave, don't run, don't act like an animal, and yer not likely to get shot. Whites get shot at the same rate when interacting with the police.....It's just that, due to behavior, the black inner city kids get interacted with more....and they decide how it goes from the first point of contact. Run, fight, struggle, and yer gonna get treated accordingly.

Don't wanna get pulled over? Don't act like a "Yo". Don't cruise around in town with the ganga smoke detectable 3 blocks away. Don't play your music loud enough to be hears 3 blocks over.  In short, behave.

Running and strugggling will generally get you non-gentle treatment. Act like a criminal, you'll get treated like one.

There are a LOT of things that the players could legitimately protest, and lots of respectful ways in which they could do so.

Their stated reason...the one started by Colin Kaepernick is bullshit and is disrespectful. I'd like to see 10 game suspensions, but this is a start. 

A Sure-Fire way to win greater approval:

What Donald Trump really needs to do in order to raise his approval rating and to help all the other Conservatives that are running for re-election is to demand that the FCC/FTC and whatever other department has jurisdiction start enforcing the Do Not Call list, and also find and drive a stake through the heart of "Susie from Credit Card Services" and her ilk.

Get a conviction for her and her enablers and publicize it, and even hard core Liberals will think better of him. Hang 'em on the Washington Mall (after disemboweling preceded by scalping preceded by a firing squad) and televise it, and he'll retain the majorities in the Legislative branch.

Make the calls stop, and he'll get re-elected.

(Why is it that the FCC/FTC are not stopping these calls and preventing firms from ignoring the DoNotCall list? There are HUGE fines possible, and I get at least 5 a week from assorted folks wanting to offer me something...sometimes 5 a DAY)

The only issue

is that it is the citizens that will end up paying, not the individuals who made the asinine and political decision.

Student sues school because he was kicked out of class for wearing a Pro-Border Wall t-shirt. 

We need to figure out a way that the perpetrators of such misjudgement will be held personally responsible rather than the taxpayers that employ 'em. 

I wonder

How long it takes for Starbucks to go under?

I mean, now that anyone can sit in their booths and use their bathrooms.....and never be asked to pay or a coffee or a cookie or a drink....

'Cause I am willing to be that most of their customers, despite leaning to the Left and having "egalitarian" beliefs, won't want to share a table with some dude who is homeless and hasn't showered in a month.....and who trims his toenails where it is air conditioned and sleeps where it is warm in the winter.....Or find some chick shooting up in the bathrooms.....

I predict a large fall off in sales at Starbucks in Urban locations. Rapidly, once people realize that they can just stay there all day....

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

So they are real?

I mean, Zombies!  WTF?

If the State is warning you about 'em....

This is my shocked face:

I mean who would have guessed?

Parkland survivor’s dad: David Hogg and Cameron Casky love each other, but not romantically

Rumor has it that they are taking each other to Prom.
(not that there is anything wrong with that, mind you).

Or this could just be a last grasp for some residual fame...

I'm really trying to give a shit here, but it just won't happen. 

Media surprised when basic Chemistry and physics happen:

I guess Journalism majors, in addition to not learning english or spelling, don't learn any basic chemistry or physics either.....

USA Today: 'Hawaii volcano poses a new threat: Acid from Kilauea's lava, called 'laze,' pouring into the ocean'...which is kinda wrong. (The lava interacting with the seawater creates, among other things, hydrochloric acid vapor, which is bad for lungs)

This is a natural process, giving off vaporized hydrochloric acid and fine particles of "glass". Happens every time that lava meets the ocean...every time.....No surprise to anyone who pays attention, but to the media and apparently most journalists, this is both a surprise and a scary new phenomenon. Apparently, it frightens them as well. The CBS newscritters are surprised at this and frightened by it and are also under the impression that a simple N-100 mask can keep you safe (it won't).

I'm no genius, but I understood this sort of thing after high school chemistry and physics for gods sake. Apparently though, journalists never learn anything...even though they supposedly went to college?

Monday, May 21, 2018

So the media

Keeps saying that the asshole shooter in Santa Fe TX left behind both some Molotov coctails and some "CO2 explosives".

What, exactly are "CO2 explosives"?

Is this just the uneducated (as to anything worth knowing)  repeating what they thought they heard? Or was there an actual device and it was, perhaps somehow powered by or charged by CO2? It is awfully hard to get CO2 to do anything ...energetically... as far as I know. I mean, pressure vessels, yes, but explosive?  For all intents and purposes CO2 is pretty inert. It would be a great dispersant for a powder or an aerosol, perhaps....

I'm just curious as to what, exactly the media is chattering about here.

Any idea? 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

DB Cooper???

DB Cooper was one of my heroes. He thumbed his nose at everyone and got away with it....and hurt no one in the process. Yes, he was a criminal, and a thief, but his methods were good, and he had class....and style.

They claim that the mystery from 1971 is solved....

Walter Reca?  Was he really "DB Cooper"? Did his friends really know...and were they really part of his conspiracy?

Supposedly, his identity is now revealed. And Walter Reca is dead of old age.

(18 minute video)

I dunno. But they claim they have taped confessions and a written confession.

 Fox News thinks so, apparently...
Others, not so much

FBI conspiracy? Did they really let him get away with the Hijacking just so they could use him for other purposes?
Seems odd, but then again, things like that happened back then.

Maybe just an attempt to sell a book?
We will likely never know.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Boosting the signal:

So, via Kens place, we get this:

For his 100th birthday on June 6 -- which comes 74 years after he was miraculously pulled off a Normandy-bound boat on D-Day -- Michigan WWII veteran Isaac "Ike" Fabela has just one wish, his family said.

Fabela will be anxiously checking his mail, as the happy and humble vet hopes to rack up 100 birthday cards from well-wishers across the country.

Send the dude a card. A couple a bucks won't hurt ya too bad, and it'll make his day.

Address, in case you didn't follow the link:

Ike Fabela
C/O Nick Rodgers
PO Box 3112 Montrose, MI

If doing an old vet a favor...if that is too much bother, then I hope I never meet you.

Interesting veiwpoint:

Overheard in the checkout line:

"A Caddylak cost de same as a Ford, you just be payin' longer"...

I blinked.
Took a minute to process what I had just heard....

And from one perspective, he's right...If you think that short term, that is. The same is true of Toyota/Lexus, or Honda/Acura.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

I'd really like to see

The supposed "documents" that link the "russians" the Trump campaign, and the NRA. 

this meme keeps coming up, and yet, I haven't seen any "documents"....

I'm beginning to think this is like the accusations that "the russians" are the ones that broke into the DNC severs and such....nothing but innuendo from the Democrats, and all with an agenda.

If there is something to it, then I'd like to see it published.

Especially since, like the Mueller investigation, the expenditure of taxpayer money appears to be for naught but political gain. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

I wish I had that kind of scratch..

......That I could total a $300,000 car and simply leave it in the desert outside of Vegas. 

I mean, I'm doin' alright and all, but to be able to just leave a totalled McLaren and be glad I walked away is still too much like rich for me. 

Plus, of course, White Priviledge

I mean, yeah, my Mom made similar GOOD Choices.

and I and my siblings gained from her good choice of mate.

"What my Mother did for me"

And my siblings are carrying on that tradition, and are raising wonderful, fairly well adjusted and very well educated children who will likely be successful and carry on the tradition of raising intelligent, well educated, well adjusted children.

And so on and so on and more of that.

Not so in many families. And this we can, indeed, blame on Mothers. Good (or bad) choices of mates makes for successful (or not) children in most cases.

This is indeed a part of culture of white privilege, (and/or not) in many cases in white other "less successful"/downtrodden cultures here in America. Part of setting your children up for success. Or not.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

my my, isn't this interesting:

Perhaps Soros or his ilk?

peaceful Switzerland is in the crosshairs of international and domestic gun control advocates who are intent on abolishing the idyllic nation’s tradition of an armed citizenry. Using the 2017 changes to the European Firearms Directive as justification, these foreign and home-grown forces are attempting to burden the tranquil republic with gun controls the Swiss people have continually rejected. However, as was pointed out in a recent Bloomberg article, many Swiss citizens are refusing to take this assault on their inalienable rights and national sovereignty lying down

So even though the Swiss don't have a "Gun crime problem " (hint: the US doesn't either if you don't count the mostly "ethnic" parts of Liberal Large Cities.....South side of Chicago, etc.) the EU and their ever intrusive Statist Bureaucrats are pushing for even more gun control in Switzerland.....

And the Swiss have said "Fuck You...we like things just the way they are"

This ougha get, as Kenny said, "interesting"...... I think this might be a line that the Swiss won't let be crossed.

This article was found over at Ken's place, BTW. 

One has to wonder

Who, exactly, is orchestrating this current push to show how all whites and all businesses NOT owned by blacks are racist?

I mean, just because someone insists that one be a customer to sit in a restaurant and take up a table, or someone gets tossed out of a restaurant because one is fighting, or cannot behave....Or claims racism because they aren't shown deference BECAUSE they are black....

I mean, I dislike and speak out against racism when I see it. (and, rarely, I DO see it). But the other side is folks who DEMAND special treatment....and when they don't get it, try playing the race card. Sometimes one is mistreated simply because one is an ass....

I've been mistreated on many occasions by black or hispanic employees of businesses. They would fail to see me and take the black or hispanic person behind me. Part of living in our society. I would wager that there are more racists (for sure percentage wise) in this country who are black than white. Probably the same for Hispanics too. You don't hear whites crying, we simply either deal with it, or go somewhere else to spend our money. (And because it isn't worth it to try to file a lawsuit.....which is, in itself, discrimination)

But my point is that someone is behind this push for stories and op-ed pieces that have suddenly proliferated...

Is it because they plan to use race (again) as a divisive topic in the upcoming election? Is it because support for Trump and the Republican Party is fairly high among our darker citizens?

For whatever reason, Race is becoming a hot topic. I do believe that the Starbucks incident was orchestrated simply to give a base for the rest of these stories. Those men chose to be arrested, they could have stopped the process many times along the way bu coughing up $4 for a single drink...or leaving when requested after refusing to become customers. And now we have a proliferation of articles claiming other restaurants are racist. (really? 4 ATTEMPTED suits in 40 years? That's all you got?)

So Who.....and Why?

Monday, May 14, 2018

Does anyone believe

The images shown by the Media Re: the "Palestinians" at the Israeli border aren't staged?

I stopped believing that they were anything but theater about 10 years ago....once I started paying attention.

If you think that the images of the violence and the "Victims" (women trying to use the cloth of Hijabs as facemasks to filter teargas? Really? I'd think they, of all people, would know better....and why are muslim WOMEN protesting?) are anything but theater and staged by and for the media, you are a fool.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Boosting the signal:

And, of course helping to point out the failures of socializm socialized medicine and the asininiity of bureaucrats.

Send a few bucks, if you can, to offset the failures of the British National Health System and the bureaucrats who run it and fund the care of children. I mean, to misquote Maggie Thatcher: "They are running out of other people's money"

Remember, this will be the fate of you children and grandchildren soon.

And I wouldn't expect much care as you age, either. Pretty much Ice Floes for the likes of you and me. Even though we are funding most of  Obamacare, they will spend all of it on folks that won't work and simply use, not they gotta save money somewhere......

The original story was found at Elmtree Forge

I'll take that as a compliment:

Had an ex cop tell me i am observant, and see things, like a cop.

Happy Mothers day

To all the Moms out there.

I hope this day is special for you.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Location, location, location:

6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms.

Stone construction.

3+ acres.

Modernized in the late 80's...

$222 Large. Such a deal....

only one issue:

It's in FLINT Michigan.

I was in Flint about 15 years ago...It was like a WAR zone in spots.

The (ahem) more affluent, non minority suburbs were ok, but Flint proper was terrible. Sometimes only one unburnt (or still standing) house in a 4 block area.

Graffiti abounded. At dusk, the cops suggested that I might not want to stay in the area....I was not safe there.....mostly cause I wasn't a part of the neighborhood, but also 'cause I was white.

But hey, there is a bargain home just waiting for someone.

Friday, May 11, 2018

I see your Race Card

And raise you one BodyCam video:

So some woman got pulled over for speeding...

And then, went on Facebook and tried to play the Race card 'Cause she is Black and the Cop was white.

She was, apparently, combative with the officer when she found out she was gonna get an actual ticket for 70 in a 55 zone.

"It doesn’t matter how polite you are, it’s all sick, crazy bullying and the police are ridiculous,” Hilton-Williams says in the 11-minute video, at times wiping tears from her face and speaking in a frightened tone

and then this:
“I have had a traumatic experience and I want the people who are not African-American who know me to really get where we are coming from,” she says. “When I saw the police pull up behind me, the state trooper, I was immediately afraid."

“This is the area I’m in," she says, panning the camera around to show the rural roadway. “In the middle of, this kind of stuff. This is where I am, so it’s not like I’m not afraid, because this is where we got lynched."

Yeah, 'cause lynchings happen nearly every day of the week these days.......

At the end of the day, the cops BodyCam shows he was professional.


Now I gotta clean 3 1911's and a M&P shield:

Took a kid from the flight school to the range. He like the 1911 platform, so I took my Rock Island GiImodel, my Para and my new Sig for him to play with.

He killed several bowling pins and rang the gongs to the tune of 100 of my reloads and 250 factory Federal 230g. Oddly, he likes the GI model (with GI sights) best.....must be 19 year old eyes.

I watched him and put the first 100 rounds of WWB 9mm through the pipe of the new M&P Shield.
Me like....A lot. It ain't a 1911, but it is easier to conceal and a lot lighter....Not a bad trigger, and THIS model has a thumb safety (which is a requirement for me) and, of course, the trigger safety.. The laser was visible at 30 feet in afternoon full sunlight and was as easy to see on the light gray painted gong as the 3 dot sights.

So about an hour of detail strip and clean on the 1911's and then however long it takes to fully strip and clean the M&P.

Terrible chores to have.....

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Why crimes are high in Liberal enclaves:

I mean, seriously, Can you believe this attitude?

Yet I struggle and consider this boy. Would I really want him to get a punishment that would cut him off from any opportunity or future?

Carjacked. Property taken by FORCE. Strongarm robbery, really.

Only by the grace of God that her child wasn't taken with the car.
Yet she worries about the kid, a part of the robbery. Taking her property by FORCE. Stealing property that they didn't ear with violence.

"but I worry about the poor young man".

If she were bitten by a dog, would she think that it just needed "understanding" and "counseling"? Or would she want the dog locked up and/or euthanized?

I'm of the opinion that the dog is the better probably doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. The fokks that carjacked her did, and don't care.

It's no wonder that crime rises when Liberalism becomes prevalent in an area. 

By most standards today

My parents would be in jail...

Except, now, in Utah:

"Utah’s 'Free Range Parenting' law is a good example of common sense legislation," Herbert told ABC News in a statement Tuesday. "We believe that parents know and love their children better than anybody. We also believe that absent evidence of neglect, danger or cruelty, parents have the best sense of how to teach responsibility to their children. Responsible parents should be able to let kids be kids without constantly looking over their shoulders for approval.”

Pretty much, I had to be home at dinnertime, and then inside at dark. I pretty much went where I wanted and when I wanted, as long as I did the chores they assigned.

If I got in trouble elsewhere, I got into a LOT more trouble when I got home or they heard about it.

Somehow I escaped being kidnapped, abducted, sold into slavery, etc.

Today, parents in rural locations DRIVE their kids to the end of the driveway and wait for the bus with their kids..... MY parents kicked me out the door and expected that I would catch the bus......And trusted me to know how to be safe.

Same way during the summer. I wandered anywhere I wanted on my long as I was home for dinner or informed them as to where I was.

Parents today claim that their kids live in a much more dangerous environment, but statistics don't bear that out. Much like the "razor blades in Halloween candy" it's just a fear that is ungrounded in fact.... just mothers being fearful.

At least Utah has decided that parents can decide when and where their kids can go and do unsupervised....and let their kids learn to be responsible.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

If she were really

on a "Kill List"...

and the people were serious, then she'd have reason to be scared.

Thing is, folks like me and my friends don't do "Kill Lists"....and if we felt you needed to be dead, you'd simply cease to have a heartbeat and would be cooling towards room temp...No notice, no threats. Most Trump supporters are like us. Liberals bluster, and threaten and such...Conservatives just get the job done.

 Kathy Griffin claims people are threatening her, and she is skeered. 

I'm thinking she is simply looking for attention since everyone is shunning her due to her bad taste in jokes....

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Make it happen, Donnie:

And keep going. This is just a start, right????

Trump proposes 15 BILLION dollars in cuts in Federal Spending. 

We just need him to make this happen every month from now on....


Or did he just piss someone off and they have decided to destroy him?

Four Women Accuse New York’s Attorney General of Physical Abuse.

Now, on the one hand, he was a great proponent of the "#Mee Too" movement.

On the other hand....4? All at once?
'Tis interesting how these women find each other and gang together suddenly, innit? That they all just happened to do so at once...??

Then again, if true, it is one more example of a hypocritical politician (and lets face it, both sides have too many of 'em) saying one thing and doing another. 

I'm betting he angered someone in power ...and that person is orchestrating this campaign....but the lifestyle was obviously there to exploit. 

Monday, May 7, 2018

And this is why

Every time the NRA asks me for more money I cannot help but laugh at them.

Ollie North to be named as President of the NRA. 

Pete Brownell made sense.

Ollie North? Really? What is he bringing to the table?

I mean, he's better than Lon Horiuchi I guess....

An explanation as to why the "Scouts"

are circling the rim.

The SJW's have finally found a way to destroy the Boy Scouts.....

And here is why:

An Eagle Scout Explains the Fatal Folly of Taking the ‘Boy’ out of Boy Scouts

Warm weekend

And the folks in the south side of Chicago took the warm evenings as an opportunity to catch up on their shootings and murders.

It IS interesting that the level of violence closely parallels the temperature. 

Saturday, May 5, 2018

5 May

The United States's non-Mexican "Mexican" holiday.

'Twasn't until it was a "Holiday" in Southern California that it then became a holiday in Mexico. Originally only celebrated in and around the State of Puebla in Mexico for the victory over French forces in 1862, it became a "celebration" in the US in order that merchants could sell liquor and food to mexican worker and migrants in  California....and somehow became a "celebration of Mexican American Heritage"

And even now, more gringos in the US celebrate Cinco de Mayo than Mexicans. Most Mexican immigrants in the US, both legal and not, aren't sure why anyone celebrates 5 may...but hey, Mexican!

It's not a national holiday in Mexico, although schoolchildren are given the day off.

And it isn't Mexico's national Independance day....That's 16 September.....

A 2007 UCLA Newsroom article notes that, "the holiday, which has been celebrated in California continuously since 1863, is virtually ignored in Mexico."[29] TIME magazine reports that "Cinco de Mayo started to come into vogue in 1940s America during the rise of the Chicano Movement."[20] The holiday crossed over from California into the rest of the United States in the 1950s and 1960s but did not gain popularity until the 1980s when marketers, especially beer companies, capitalized on the celebratory nature of the day and began to promote it.[31][32] It grew in popularity and evolved into a celebration of Mexican culture and heritage, first in areas with large Mexican-American populations, like Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and San Jose.[33]

At least he is honest:

Although where he's gonna come up with the money for all those rifles that I lost in the terrible canoe accident  that he will have to buy back from me at my market price, I have no idea.

Rep. Eric Swalwell calls for mandatory buyback of all ‘military-style semiautomatic’ weapons

Hey, at lest he's honest about his intentions, and smart enough to realize that unless the Feds buy 'em back, they won't get even a tiny portion of them.

This guy may be too smart for our own good.....

Friday, May 4, 2018

Even Federal Judges

are noticing the "issues' with Mueller's investigations.

A federal judge on Friday harshly rebuked Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team during a hearing for ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort – suggesting they lied about the scope of the investigation, are seeking “unfettered power” and are more interested in bringing down the president.

Mueller’s team says its authorities are laid out in documents including the August 2017 scope memo – and that some powers are actually secret because they involve ongoing investigations and national security matters that cannot be publicly disclosed.
Ellis seemed amused and not persuaded.
He summed up the argument of the Special Counsel’s Office as, "We said this was what [the] investigation was about, but we are not bound by it and we were lying."
He referenced the common exclamation from NFL announcers, saying: "C'mon man!" 

Least bad

I'm thinking, at least in my local elections, that I my well choose to vote for those candidates who have the least vile mailings and who say the least vile things about their opponents.

Here, at least, most of them are pretty bad. I have a great deal of mailings that tell me what a sleazbag the other guy is, but very few that tell me why I should vote for that candidate that is denigrating his opponent.

Even worse, they are hiding behind all sorts of "Paid For by Friends of _____" groups, and don't even have the courage to sign their name to the mud they are slinging.

This may well be an election wherein I have to choose the Lesser of the Two Weasels.

"Almost No warning"

"We only had minutes to evacuate". 

If you live on the slope of an active and awake volcano and didn't plan on lava eating your home in the near future, then you haven't been paying attention.

I knew that someone on the slopes of the Kilauea volcano was going to have their home engulfed in lava at some point soon.....and I live in NW Indiana, fer chrissakes.... earthquakes, the whole crater collapse, etc. And I don't live anywhere near a volcano...

If you live in the area and still have all your irreplaceable possessions in your home instead of stored away safely in another location, I don't feel any sympathy. If you live anywhere near the area and weren't ready to evacuate on a moment's notice, I feel no sympathy. I hope that your Children and Pets are safe.

Lava flow. Rivers of molten rock.
One cannot fight that. Simply get out of the way.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Didn't hear much about this, didja?

Seems that about 400+ schools have had "walkouts" SUPPORTING the Second Amendment.

Happened yesterday. And you probably didn't hear about it

And CNN, NBC,CBS,ABC, etc?


the total number of words in (figurative) print from the Times, Post, etc?

[          ]

They aren't censoring the news as such, just failing to bother to report it.

Why is keeping it a felony?

So a Brinks truck dropped about $600 Large in assorted small bills on I-70. 

Seems "The door fell open" or something like that.

The bundles of bills broke open and scattered over the road.

People being people, many passers-by stopped and picked up some of the cash.

Apparently, keeping it is a felony (according to the State Police)

Why so? No one stole the money, it was blowing across the road.

If I find a $50 bill blowing in the wind in a parking lot, I get to keep that. It isn't up to me to find the bill's owner. If I find an envelope with some cash in it, even after turning it in, if no one can prove it is theirs and claims it, it comes back to me, the finder.

Why, since the Brinks folks lost some cash, is keeping any cash I found blowing across the road a felony?

I mean, Finders Keeper sand all that. The Brinks folks did not have control of the money. The lost it.

Salvage rights?

Now, the moral thing to do is to return the money. If, of course, Brinks can prove that that was their money. If they can't, then it should belong to the finder.

How about if I find it next week a mile away?

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

and here's the payout:

Or at least, part of it:

City of Philly agrees to set up $200K fund that "will assist young entrepreneurs in Philadelphia."...And guess who gets to decide who is/are the recipients? Yep, those same dudes who chose to be arrested.

This is part of the settlement...along with a dollar to each of the men.

No word on how much they are shaking Starbucks down for.

I still think this was a setup from the get-go. 

So I asked a question

on another blog, where there was a discussion about black people being shot at a higher rate than whites by police...Even by other black officers. (the rates of black officer shootings of black suspects are equal to white officers shooting black suspects, which pretty much rules out racism by the white cops....)

I suggested that black people behave differently than whites when confronted by police, and this leads to them having a better chance to be shot....Which led to cries of "Racist" when it was pointed out (Blacks tend to run more than whites, which leads to chases, which leads to more shootings.... Same with simply giving up rather than fighting).
Now, I know a lot of cops, and they all, black and white and hispanic,  say that this is true. One has a better chance of being shot if one runs, and black suspects tend, as a group, to run more often.

I postulated that it is genetics, which at least in part, leads to behavioral traits (Like running and fighting more often that other groups separated out by race) .Certain groups of people, when grouped by race, show similar behavioral patterns. Culture may matter as well, but genetics moreso. I pointed out that folks of Irish and Polish descent still drink a lot despite amalagamation into our greater "melting pot".....that folks of German descent still tend to be more stubborn...that folks of latin descent tend to be quicker to anger....All of which are true, at least in part, at least in my observations.

Further, I pointed out that we expect certain behavioral traits from certain breeds of animals, (Aggressive dog breeds, ferinstance) so why should we expect humans to be any different??, even before we add in culture...

This led, of course, to anger and cries of racism....yet no one seemed to be able or willing to refute the theory....except they didn't like the idea at all....But they are, mostly, liberals, so there is that.

What say you? Am I wrong? Are humans terribly different than animals, at the base level? Are behavioral traits entirely non genetic in their origin? Is it only culture that drives our behavior? Learned behavior rather than base level programming that makes us act certain ways under stress and shapes our behavioral traits as a group or race? Or are there other factors which I am not considering that make it appear to be genetic groupings?

And here is another

method by which they will soon restrict your ability to purchase firearms:

Banks, credit-card cos. explore tracking gun purchases in possible prelude to restrictions

First firerarms.

Then ammunition

Then accessories.

As it is, you are already on a list. Now they will have a list of what you purchase.

Buy your firearms with CASH when you can...Ammunition especially.

They will soon destroy the online businesses....especially accessories. And you can expect that soon, it will become difficult or impossible to buy ammo online. Bet on it.

We are all watching the flashy gun control demonstrations while they were quietly initiating this sort of back door gun control and restrictions.

I've said it before: Buy the guns you like soon. Buy spare guns. And spare parts. Rifles AND pistols.

Ammo:? Buy it when it's Cheap (now is that time) Stack it DEEP.

'Cause they are coming for 'em.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Just for a moment.....

I considered it....

No, no, no,, not kneecapping the design team (or person) that designed the carburetor/gas tank/throttle assembly abortion that was part of the power unit for the leaf vacuum....(Although just for moment, the thought of HIRING someone to do that (I know a dude..) did make me smile...) I mean, seriously, 3 different wrenches and a screwdriver just to take the assembly OFF the motor?  Plus 2 more to break the carb from the gas tank?

Nope, I'm referring to the thought that I could (and maybe should?) replace the thing...I mean, it is over 25 years old (I've had it for 22 and it was ancient and sorta "well used" when I acquired it at an auction...) and I have the scratch to buy a new, even more powerful one.... I mean, I thought about it really hard....

But then I came to my senses and just found some shirt cardboard and simply made the gasket that had deteriorated and replaced it instead.. I should be good for another couple of years, really.

Now, after cleaning the varnish out of the carb (hey, I was 7/8 of the way there already, so finishing the teardown wasn't too much work, and they are fairly simple) and sealing up the air leak with the new gasket, it runs like the proverbial....ape.

I'm not sure what came over me...buying something new? Not fixing something? Jesus...
I must be getting old. ...or lazy. 


All those folks in the "Migrant Caravan" that are travelling though Mexico to the US in search of "Asylum"....

Why can't Mexico grant 'em Asylum?