Saturday, December 31, 2011

To all my readers

May you each and every one have a Happy and Prosperous New Year. May your 2012 end with happiness and success, may your life be satisfying. May you and your family grow closer and I hope that your year ends with all of those you care for safe and comfortable.

My best wishes to all of you.

I'm off to a party, so don't expect anything until Monday, at the earliest!

Until then, be safe.

Friday, December 30, 2011

we need a list.

Of "bad" words so we can overwhelm the system that is watching us.

Eventually there will be enough processing power that we cannot overwhelm it, but until then, we can make it hard.

AMFO (and Ammonium Nitrate)

Anyone want to add to the list? please, do so in comments.Lets get a BIG list for the Son of Echelon to chew on..

I think, just for testing purposes, I'll start out each cell phone conversation with one or more of these words for the near future. Just to help them test the system, ya know.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

It are not too late

If you haven't, get in the game for great prizes and a chance to help some deserving folks!

More free ice cream later. I got brain lock.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I wonder if we can do that in Indiana?

Seems that Montana citizens are launching a recall of their senators who voted for the NDAA.

I kind of like the idea. It's legal, which voting from the rooftops isn't. (although the latter might be a more effective deterrant to future un-Constitutional votes).

I gotta go do some research here and see if we have recall provisions in our state Constitution.

Ammo is expensive

Monday, December 26, 2011

Some pigs are more equal

While the DOD doesn't allow yarmulkes or other religious headgear or other dress, they are bowing to the fundamentalist Muslims (again).

Look: I really don't care what your religion says. When you become a member of an army (any army) or other military organization, you lose your individuality, your rights, and your identity. You become part of the team, a cog in the machine, and you wear the approved UNIform. (uni=one) form. One form. One look. One set of dress rules.

Not so, now the DOD has bowed to pressure. And again, has made 2 sets of rules. One for Muslims, and another for every one not-a-muslim.

Were this a draftee military, there might be a bit understanding. But she volunteered to be a cadet. Chose to join. Volunteered.

CAIR is destroying whatever they touch. And, I think, hurting Muslims in the long run. By their actions, they de-legitimize (in the eyes of many other folks) the religious rules which Muslims live under. And they resist the assimilation process. Many Muslims bring good things to this country. They are the latest wave of strong, hard working would-be citizens who came to this country to make a better life for themselves and their families. Yet CAIR and other such organizations de-legitimizes them. 


What HE said.

Now if we could just get the progressives to understand.

And care.

Before we have to do something drastic to stop them. And permanent.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

WTF are you doing?

Reading blogs on Christmas morning?

Shut off the computer and be Christmas-ey.

Be with family or friends.

And Merry CHRISTmas!

(or other appropriate semi religious holiday celebrated more or less around the winter solstice)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Today, I learned

that it is possible to stand a Kubota 3540 tractor on one front wheel when the loader is properly filled.

And that it will pivot when you turn the wheeel. 

Now I have to order a new seat.


They shouldn't be the same.

Police are supposed to be peace officers. To "protect and serve". Soldiers are warriors.

But they are becoming harder and harder to tell apart.

If they think they need all of this equipment to be police, what does that say about what they think about the population which they"serve"?

Friday, December 23, 2011


For shoes.

One wonders how many of these eager people are in the 47% that the government says need pay no taxes because they are living in "poverty"...Yet they can afford a $200 pair of shoes.

And look at their behavior: These scenes were repeated all across the country..(you gotta wait for the commercial though)


Just think what their behavior is gonna be like when they are HUNGRY. And cold. And you aren't.

You think the doors on your home are gonna fare any better? And yes, there is definitely an ethnic/socioeconomic component to the crowds. Likely these folks don't have jobs either, if they can be where they were when they were there to get the shoes. Likely living off of "entitlements". But they can shell out the big bucks for fancy shoes. Even though the gubmint thinks they need more money from you to help these folks. 

Think what's gonna happen when the free stuff disappears and the police aren't able to help you. When their children are hungry and the cities are unlivable. When the crowds discover that you have what they want and there is no one to stop them from taking it.

Whatcha gonna do then?

Crowds like these folks will change your liberal attitude, I assure you.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Republican fold

Once again. So all the bad press, and all the posturing was for naught.

What did they gain?

And how much did they lose by doing it?

Just once I'd like to see the Republicans decide to do something, and damned well make it happen. Stand their ground, be strong, and be principled.  Not bow to pressure from the opposition, and not become afraid of what the DNC media says. I'd really like to see them have balls.

Oh, and Mr. Barry: If you really believe that having more money on the hands of citizens proles taxpayers, then why not REALLY cut in taxes. Say, 20%?

I really think that if a large Nickle-Iron meteorite were to hit Washington DC, the only thing I would mourn would be the loss of the monuments and the Smithsonian.But I'd trade them for the clean house in our government.

Now if only I could find one headed in the right direction...

More fraud

In the 2008 elections found.......

all linked to (so far) ACORN (and DNC).

Any surprise?

I bet it is in all 57 50 states and that it is all linked to DNC and ACORN.

Of course, it is just now coming to light, as the 4 years are almost over. Why only now? Why not then? How does it take 3 years to examine signatures? 

One wonders.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Doing the jobs

That Americans can't won't aren't allowed to:

all those "shovel ready" jobs...rebuilding the infrastructure of America...paid for with Tax Dollars.

Paid to Chinese firms.


But an explanation as to why the US is starting to circle the rim.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

THey oughta shoot him

No charges filed

THey ough to shoot the stupid bastard. Or at least charge him with manslaughter.

Stupid bastard killed a young girl with negligence and stupidity.

A muxxleloader is no less a firearm than any other rifle.

Remember the four rules.


Why do we prep? Stockpile food, tools, a means to protect them (and us) from others who might wish to take them? Learn skills to make do without modern conveniences (like electricity) and the skills to protect what we have?

I figure it is insurance...and time.

I spend a little over $5 a week to stockpile food and materials which will give me a little bit of breathing room should the society in which I live go tits-up. Insurance against a time when the normal grocery stores full of food might have their just-in-time deliveries interrupted for a while...or for good. When the electricity which makes my life so easy for me stops doing so. When the natural gas which keeps me warm and which makes it so easy to cook food and gives me hot water for showering stops flowing.When your ,municipal water supply doesn't.

Five dollars a week is all I spend. Seriously. An average of $5.00. I buy canned vegetables when it is a real bargain, and I store those cans in milk crates that I get for free. Rice and beans are also good items to find on sale and which store well, especially in a 5 gallon bucket with a few desiccant packs to keep it dry. $250 a year, more or less. Not much figured weekly though. Most of us spend more than that wastefully. A few less sodas, or one less Latte, or taking a sandwich rather than ordering from Arby's for lunch once a week. But I can store a lot of food for that $5.00 a week.

But besides a bit of peace of mind, what am I really accomplishing? It takes a LOT of food to feed 10 people for a year (to pick a number). That is nearly 11,000 meals......that is 7,000 pounds of rice (or an equivalent amount of beans, or about 6000 cans of vegetables, or 4500 cans of Dinty Moore or Spaghettios. That's a lot of space and a lot of weight. That assumes, of course, that you eat exclusively from your storage food. And realistically, unless you have resources that most of us do not, you cannot store an infinite amount of food, due to cost considerations if not space issues. That 7000 pounds of rice? Realistically that is a little more than 2 pallets of rice...or one of rice and one of beans. Few of us have enough space to store that much. 3 pallets of cans. I don't have that much storage space, unless I clean out the garage....

But you CAN store a surprising number of meals with a little bit of judicious adjustments and some smart thinking. Put a layer or two of cans in the bottom of your closets...Cover with a blanket or towel. Put a board across the tops....You have used your space wisely. Same with under your bed. You can store a lot of calories under a bed. Not enough to last forever, but a lot.....maybe a shelf in the basement (if you have a basement). But with some thinking and ingenuity you can find a place for a few dozen cans/ a few pounds of rice. (a milk crate holds 32 cans, more or less)...

What you are really buying with your $5 a week is to have TIME. Time to adjust your lifestyle. Time to plant a few seeds to have a garden and have the plants bear. Time to figure out what to do, how to live BEFORE you starve.  Time to deal with the new conditions you may find and experience. Time to figure out how things will change, and what will work and what won't. Time to learn. Time to adjust. Breathing space, as it were.

Likely, you are a resourceful person. But no one knows what might happen, what conditions we might find....if and when. That $5.00 each week buys you TIME. Time which may well be as valuable as anything else when you need it to decide a course of action. Time to choose your path. Breathing space so you can make calm, informed decisions. Time which others will not have.

What are you prepping for? Really yer prepping for the future. Might be a bank crash/economic "realignment". Might be a software worm that makes modern electronic banking stop working. Might be a terrorist attack. Might be a natural disaster ('cause FEMA and the local folks did so well post Katrina, didn't they?) Might be an internet attack on our infrastructure, causing electricity to stop for a while. Might be any number of scenarios. No matter what happens (if anything) you, because of your preps, will have bought yourself some time to deal with the issues. Time most people will not have. 

And that time may well be worth more than anything....Yer preps will be a great value when that happens.

Monday, December 19, 2011


"Owning a gun without practice does not make you an armed citizen any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician."


thought for the week

This one.

Sadly, we have many who fit this description....many in our government.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

who knew?

I mean, really, Jedi Knights?

and thoughts about their issues here.

I see religious infighting coming soon.

Those Czechs, you know...

I wanna know where they are getting the LightSabers.


These are worth watching.

Like he says, if MTV is running these, then things are just going wrong.


How's yer ammo supply? Yer level of training? Last time you went to the range? Did a combat course?

Might want to rectify that soon.

Just Sayin'.

Friday, December 16, 2011

So I gotta ask:

WTF happened to the people of Boston(in particular) and Massachussets in general?

238 years ago today their ancestors took action which led to the Revolution which foreshadowed the forming of our country.....and the writing of the Constitution....which made this country the magnet for freedom seeking peoples all over the world.

Yet today, those same tea party participants would likely spit in the faces of the current residents of Boston and the state in which it resides.

I guess all the freedom lovers moved west and south.

What a shame.

whole lotta shakin' goin' on.

200 years ago today, the fault known as the New Madrid Fault shook the Midwest (and continued for another few months).

The earthquake caused the Mississippi to run backwards for a time and cracked sidewalks in DC.

Whaddya think might happen if that shaking occurred today? With a greater population density and people living in more modern homes (not cabins)?

FEMA would likely have another opportunity to fumble their way through the disaster.

But in the meantime a lot of folks would starve, and may more would die of exposure.

Likely while the National Guard confiscated firearms....

Prep for such things.....have a plan. Have a secondary stash of preps in case your home is destroyed so you have time to dig yer primary shit out of the wreckage of your home while waiting for a blue tarp . 

Have you got earthquake insurance? Mine costs me less than 20 bucks a year for a $5k deductible plan.  Likely never need it, but it'll sure come in handy if we have a 7.0 + here in Indiana and my basement walls collapse.

Just a thought.

It's a start

Now we need even more stuff like this.

and jail time and maybe even asset confiscation for those who defrauded the taxpayers.

Unless, of course, you think a firing squad might be better for those found guilty.

I just met

Massad Ayoob.

Nice guy.

I thought he'd be taller.....

I gotta get me one of these!

I think I am gonna order several of these signs.


One for each business, and one for my home.

Maybe one for each car too. And the garage. And the barn.

Maybe my brother will see this and place them in our other businesses as well. (I'll buy 'em Bro!)

You can find them HERE.

Found at

Today's thought.

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. "

James Madison.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Going after the Sheriff

Who does what the feds won't:

Enforce the immigration laws.

He's unpopular with the Latinos. Most of whom have more loyalty to their "people" than to their country.

And the Obama administration is losing ground in the Latino demographic.

So they sic the civil rights folks on him.You know that if it goes to court, Holder has the judge already picked out (and briefed).

Arizona sheriffs, doing the job the feds won't Protecting our borders. And getting heat for it.

And it must be that a majority of the (legal) residents who vote in the county seem to like him enough to re-elect him.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Now with even more prizes

Seriously, donate a few bucks to Soldiers Angels and get tickets to Linoge's wonderful raffle.

Ya gotta be in it to win it, boyz and gurlz.

Donate. Register. Do god things for some deserving soldiers and maybe yourself.

Now it is even easier

For this to happen: Follow the link...Read the story

Look: I don't know the veracity of this person. I have no way to verify her story. For all I know it is just that: a story.

But I do know that the Patriot Act has many flaws and now, hidden in the National Defense Authorization Act, are even greater dangers...dangers which can lead to (more) stories like Ms Lindauers. Read sections 1031 (especially paragraph (c)) and section1032. No trial. Held on an accusation. No proof required. Indefinite detention. Just on someones say so. No review.

Will the Military and Political folks actually use the openings provided for in the NDAA? Maybe, Maybe not. History says that they will...eventually.

The Constitution provided for protections to prevent such a shadow movement....protections against a hidden agenda or hidden punishments or detention for such individuals. Designed to prevent those in power from abusing their positions. Carefully crafted so long ago to keep the citizens safe from such behavior. That document is what has (so far) prevented this country from becoming, from devolving, into a Russia-like society or third world country like Iran in the '70's (or today), where secret police could pull someone off the street for interrogation or indefinite detention for the "Good of the State" as ordered by a nameless person placed into power and allowed to act with no review or fear of punishment.

Today we have allowed our politicians to strip us of that protection. To subvert the Constitution. To piss on the freedoms and the rules which make this country better (and different) than others.

And I find that frightening. If the implications of the NDAA (House Bill 1540) don't frighten you and anger you, then you are a sheep....and a fool.

How many free peoples have destroyed themselves by proclaiming "It can never happen here!", only to find out that indeed, it can.And when they find that out, it is (generally) too late.

Read the story. True or not, it should frighten you. And now we have opened the doors to even more abuse, with even less oversight.

I am angry. I am frightened. Not for myself, but for my country. That for which it once stood is being subverted....all in the name of the war on terrorism.  First it was the "War on Drugs", then it became a "War on Terrorism". But the erosion of our protection, the Constitution, is accelerating.. It may not affect me, but it will affect your children.

HT: Coyote Prime

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Senate Bill 1867 is now in the House

as HR 1540.

Time to dust off the old dialing finger and let your "Representatives" know what you think about this abortion of a bill.

Then again, we could just revolt.

Or something.

Use the link at the top of the sidebar to find yer "reps" if you aren't sure who to contact (or stronger methods if you think necessary).

Be nice though when you call, angry peasants revolting seem to make them not listen. Until, of course they have too, but by then it is to late.

ETA: They passed the bill.

Perhaps we should begin heating the Tar and unbagging the Feathers.

I'm sure they'd prefer it to my first choice...Rope. Drw your own conclusions as to what it could be used for.

Knowledge and skills.

If you read me often, you realize that I generally advise people to prepare. Plan for things that can happen, and stock accordingly. Stock material supplies, AND stock knowledge. Knowledge is worth it's weight in gold for it's own sake.

What does your library look like? Mine has a LOT of "How TO" books, and I have a lot of personal knowledge. I have the knowledge in my head and the books for reference.

I can blacksmith, I can garden (quite well too, I might add). I am a decent jackleg primitive paramedic. I can fabricate in wood, steel, aluminum and brass. I can smelt copper, cast and forge...iron or brass. I can make bows. I can live off the land with just a knife and enough clothing to keep me from dying of exposure (I was actually comfortable for about 2 weeks that way one summer, just to see if I could....). I can make fire about any way possible. I can fell a tree and move the logs...Then spit and stack them as building material or as firewood...all by hand. I can clean your wound and then stitch you up and dress it and care for it to keep it from being infected.

I can, given a bit of time (and suitable material), produce adobe, clay bricks, tan leather, preserve food...and make containers to protect it.  Given flint, I can make all sorts of useful things. I can make black powder given the materials...and I can find or make those, given time. I can identify and locate and use most herbs available in the midwestern United States (my AO).

I learned to do these things for fun...and I occasionally do them outside of a classroom...for real (except the wounds).

I can engineer and build structures, including bridges and such. I can do basic (and not so basic) plumbing. I can work with nearly any home or light industrial wiring. I can make and use simple machines in innovative ways...Levers, pulleys, inclined planes, rollers, etc (and I occasionally still do, even when there is power equipment that can do it easier...Just for practice).

I can repair almost anything, except bad bearings and vehicle electronics (and I can likely cobble up or substitute temporary replacements for those in a pinch).

As importantly, I have close friends who are dependable who can do the same. The pool of knowledge available is deep and broad. I was lucky. I had a great set of teachers to start me out in my father and his father. I took it from there. And I have good people around me who can do the same.

I need more chemistry and medical knowledge...but I am working on that.

How about you? If you need help moving a washing machine, sharpening that knife, or changing your oil, you are a risk rather than an asset if and when. If you can't fix anything in your house, can't change the brakes on your car, can't build a wall or roof a home, glaze a window, swing an axe, change your own sparkplugs, fell a tree,  pull a splinter or dress the wound, or things like that, then you need to learn, or at least have that knowledge on your bookshelf.

Otherwise, you are a liability. Or will be.

Monday, December 12, 2011


"Man is free the moment he wants to be."


Sunday, December 11, 2011

I didn't win a hat

But I had a great time at the Indy Blogmeet.

Old NFO and The Big Guy traveled far to meet with us, so Midwest Chick and I  drove the two hours to meet with them and the rest: Roberta (of course), Tam, Joanna, Brigid, Don, Jack, Old Grouch, Kerry, Karl (with his famous hats as prizes), and a cast of thousands....I was lucky enough to get to sit next to Tam for some great conversation.

We had excellent service, and an unflappable waitress, who kept us full of assorted beverages and made sure that there was room for the many and assorted appetizers and (somehow) kept our food orders straight, even while ignoring the display of lethal hardware.

The portions of conversations I could follow included the color of electrical arcs, the destructive mechanism of of overloaded and overrun turbines, the incredible awesomeness of the Navy's railguns, the damage electrical current does to cutters (and other metal implements) when the power is (of course) "off" (you checked it yourself didn't you?), and the relative merits of assorted knives and multitools (there were enough of the former for about 2.8 per person, and at least one of the latter to equip each attendee....we could have disassembled a car with all of them).

As we arrived early for the meet (we left early in case there were issues with the 130 mile trip) we met up with Brigid and OldNFO for a bit of impromptu shopping for spices and such, and I had the fun of chasing Brigid's truck through the northeast side of Indy's traffic.....A challenge, I assure you, to keep her (and Midwest Chick) in sight as they wove in and out of traffic (likely Brigid was urged to challenge me by Midwest Chick?). It was fun as I had time to chat with OldNFO during the chase trip. We spent way too much money at Penzy's and Artisanos for specialized spices and oils and vinegars and salts and such....But they will be put to good use in my kitchen, I assure you.

It was a good relaxing day. I was tired early though, due to my (apparently not yet fully) recovery from a bad case of flu earlier in the week...We'd have liked to stay and have dinner with Jay and OldNFO, but the 2 hour trip home was looming, so we left about 4.

If you weren't there, you missed it. Sad you.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Don't even think about it...

Was talking to a man the other day....He knows me, and knows I am a prepper.(I sometimes preach...what can I say?)...He isn't, but he has all the toys...boat, cars, jet skis, motorcycles, etc.... During the conversation he asked if I am still prepping? "every day" I replied..."You?"

"Nah" he said. "I'll just come to your place".

"Don't even think about it, brother..."I replied. "Not unless you show up with 6 months worth of food for every person you bring, along with a rifle and pistol for each person and 500 rounds of ammo for each weapon...Else I'll give you one meal and show you to the gate and wish you luck. No tickee-no washee."

"But if I have all that I won't need to come to your place!"


Hope I never see him, if and when.

But he'll make his choices, just as I make mine. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

looner eeklipse

 Might be worth getting up early, especially you deer hunters.

Supposed to be something special.

Exactly right

Think quick....Be ready


Or be dead.

If you haven't read these...

Then you should.

"Surviving the Economic Collapse" : This is likely where the US will be in 10 years....Europe in 4.....Maybe less.

unless something bad happens....

And you should read "One Second After"...And "Lucifer's Hammer". Both are fiction (and dramatized). But both are very plausible scenarios which COULD happen. And which should get you thinking about what you might have to do to deal with the aftermath. Unless you really don't want to survive....

I do NOT think that things are going to change in a bright flash which in one second changes the world we live in. The more likely scenario is that things slowly slide into an Argentina-like devolution of our country. Less and less "official" productivity...Fewer and fewer people paying taxes and more and more people taking rather than contributing to society...Less and less culture and civilized behavior. (go to the "bad" part of any medium sized town or larger city for examples of the behavior to which I am referring ... and lets us not forget how large crowds of "Urban Yoots" can act)..... your hours of work slowly ending up buying less and less as prices edge higher and higher and inflation destroys your buying power. Police and courts and laws becoming less and less effective over time. More and more criminal behavior (which becomes more and more blatant) and less and less you can do about it.

The above statement does not preclude me from preparing to have enough time in a "SHTF" or "grid down" scenario to learn to deal with and adjust my lifestyle. To prepare for the big change which could occur. To plan for and deal with the things I can, and think about what I can do for the things I cannot realistically prepare for.  To stock things which may become scare rapidly. To have available things which I cannot easily make.Tools, seeds, food, etc. To acquire knowledge that will help me prosper in a less technological society.

Nor does that belief preclude me from having a Bugout Bag (some call it an Oh-Shit!-Kit) handy if I need it.

But whatever you think, please, prepare. Prepare for what you think might happen. Prepare for the worst you can reasonably prepare for. Get out of debt (I am working on that part), get some knowledge, and get preps so if and when you have knowledge. But please, prep.

Remember: Darwin is brutal...and uncaring.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

What to do when the Euro fails:

Advice on what to buy in case of Eurozone Breakup: "precious metals, tinned goods, and small Calibre weapons"   (click here for link) (for some reason the link won't highlight, but it is worth the read)(I got  all of those already anyway) you?

All my retirement is already out of the Euro (as nearly so as to be total, anyway). I moved it to other sectors about 6 months ago. If you haven't done so yet, you might want to think about it. There is no safe haven anywhere, but you can minimize the damage to your portfolio by being elsewhere with your money. Yer still gonna take a hit of the Euro melts down, but a much lesser hit if you don't own any Euro investments. 

 Best is, of course, to buy gold, but it is harder to store and that scenario may not work if your money is tied up in a 401K or an IRA. But you can do a lot of good for yourself by careful placement of you money away from Europe and it's associated funds.

But if you haven't looked at your investments lately, you might want to think about it. You should be doing a review every 6 months anyway, but now might be a good time to review. 



Patriot nurse.

Seems to know what she is talking about. Decide for yourself though. I have no idea what her credentials are. And I am likely not qualified to judge them anyway. But her videos do bring up some good points.

Found via THIS post.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Harry Morgan has passed. Aged 96

A varied career, but I will always remember him as Detective Bill Gannon from "Dragnet", and as Sherman Potter from "Mash". He appeared in many other films.

Infamy, as in a day that will...

yeah, Pearl  Harbor. 70 years ago.

Few who are alive today remember it.

But it remains the first time that the US took a black eye on our territory. And few realize that it was because our military failed to plan for it, and defend against it. Japan, in one swoop, became our enemy.

Yet today, Japan is our ally, or at least not currently an enemy.

Think about that. Seriously.

And say a prayer for those who gave their all this day so long ago.

Will we ever be at peace with our current enemy? Al Queda:  militant, radical Islam?

Perhaps, but only if we follow the Japanese example, and crush them before we re-make them. And only when we go all out to win, which we haven't yet done. They failed to "wake a sleeping giant". So far. So far we haven't gotten angry as the nation did after Pearl Harbor...and we haven't been serious about fighting.

Just a thought. Remember...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Like Fast and Furious

Except with money.

Anything to help the Cartels.

And I still thinking that I am being discriminated against, as I still haven't gotten my free gun from the feds.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Product review: Optimus Crux cook kit

When we were reviewing Bugout Bags this month (which we do yearly, at a minimum) we realized that we had forgotten the old adage: "Two is one and one is none". Between us, there was only one cookstove.

While this might not be a terrible omission, having only one cookstove means that there might not be any hot water for the Mountain House meals which are packed in the BOB's (or coffee, or any other cooking), should the only stove we pack be damaged or have an issue....or if we get separated.

While I carry a Coleman Exponent, it is heavier than I wanted for Midwest Chick. Her bag (and, to be honest, mine is too) is at the upper limits of her ability to carry. So we spent a fair amount of time looking for a lightweight stove for her bag.

There are as many stoves for backpacking out there as there are accessories for a 1911 (ain't capitalism great?!?). There are one piece stoves, multi-piece stoves,  stoves which burn kerosene, white gas (Coleman fuel) multi-fuel (Coleman or unleaded gas), propane/butane,  and some that will burn any liquid fuel which you can light with a match.

One of the things we looked for was simplicity of use,  another was durability. While there are light, foldable stoves out there that use liquid fuels,such as the Dragonfly , they all  had some issues with durability...they needed a parts kit and extra o-rings in order to assure reliability in the field. Plus they were somewhat complicated to set up. There are specialized (and highly efficient) stoves just for boiling water like the Jetboil, but that is all they do. You can't really do anything but boil water, no cooking. There are old school stoves, such as the Svea, but they are somewhat complicated and lack the BTUs, and take a while to warm up and cool down. Complicated and unreliable do not meet our needs for a BOB stove. Neither does slow to warm up and low output, even though it is very high on the durability scale (but heavy).

We considered another Coleman Exponent, but while I am comfortable with the operation of this stove, and can operate it and light it with my eyes closed, to a beginner, this is a somewhat complicated and intimidating stove. Plus it is heavy, at 2.6 pounds fully fueled (but a tank of fuel will last over an hour and a half). And it doesn't have a small footprint. It has the advantage of reasonable durability and reliability, and high output, and will burn either Coleman fuel or unleaded gas, but low weight and simplicity are not part of its features.

We decided on an Optimus Crux Lite Weekend cookset. It weighs 9 OZ plus the 10 oz (8 OZ fuel) fuel bottle. This is a 10,000 BTU burner which sets up in seconds, is easy to assemble, heats a liter of water in 3 minutes (room temp in still air), and has a small footprint when packed. Burn time for the canister is 90+ minutes, which is 30 liters of water. And it comes with a cookset that is also its cover.

We tried it at home, and it really does heat a liter of water in less than 3 minutes. And it assembles and disassembles easily and said assembly is intuitive. It might need a windscreen, but that is the only addition I can see it needing.

While your  BOB contents are your personal choice, I'd recommend that you check out this stove.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Betrayers of their oath, traitors to their country, enemies of the people.

Ayotte (R-NH),Barrasso (R-WY),Blunt (R-MO),Boozman (R-AR),Brown (R-MA),Burr (R-NC),
Casey(D-PA),Chambliss(R-GA),Coats (R-IN),Coburn (R-OK),Cochran (R-MS),Collins (R-ME),
Conrad (D-ND),Corker (R-TN),Cornyn (R-TX),Crapo (R-ID),DeMint (R-SC),Enzi (R-WY),Graham (R-SC),
Grassley (R-IA),Hagan (D-NC),Hatch (R-UT),Heller (R-NV),Hoeven (R-ND),Hutchison (R-TX),
Inhofe (R-OK),Inouye (D-HI),Isakson (R-GA),Johanns (R-NE),Johnson (R-WI),Kohl (D-WI),
Kyl (R-AZ),Landrieu (D-LA),Lee (R-UT),Levin (D-MI),Lieberman (ID-CT),Lugar (R-IN),
Manchin (D-WV), McCain (R-AZ),McCaskill (D-MO),McConnell (R-KY),Menendez (D-NJ),
Moran (R-KS),Nelson (D-NE),Portman (R-OH),Pryor (D-AR),Reed (D-RI),Risch (R-ID),
Roberts (R-KS),Rubio (R-FL),Sessions (R-AL),Shaheen (D-NH),Shelby (R-AL),Snowe (R-ME),
Stabenow (D-MI), Thune (R-SD),Toomey (R-PA),Vitter (R-LA),Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wicker (R-MS)

Read more:

You know what the penalty for treason is, right?

12 of 13

How will you do? Take the test and find out!

( I confused Kagan and Sotomayor)...

still, that puts me in the 83rd percentile.

But look at the breakdowns by demographic. Scary. And these are just the people who bother to take the test. Likely the upper percentage of the intelligence curve to begin with.

Via Old NFO.

They say

That there is safety in numbers...

I thought about that, and realized that "they" were right.

My numbers are 1911 and .45 and 230....Plus 6+1 and 8

What are yours?

It occurs to me,

That my mothers fear: that when I piss off the right wrong people,

"someday you'll just disappear" may be closer now than it was yesterday.

Thanks Mr. McCain.

They passed the bill: S1867

Thus proving that the Senate is, actually, an enemy of the American way of life...Traitors to the people who they claim to represent.

Likely Obama will Veto it........ Maybe? We can hope.

The fact is that this bill effectively guts the basic Constitutional protections that each of us currently has.  And only ONE Republican dissenter. These people betrayed their oath that they took to "defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;". Sadly, they have become the enemies of the Constitution. And of the American people.

Ready to vote from the rooftops yet?  'Cause the Senate has decided that you can be arrested and held indefinitely by the military....Not the police, the military. No courts, no trial, nothing. The Senate has decided to attempt to destroy your country. They have decided you are a slave, not a citizen: Subject to arrest and unlimited detention, with no trial. Yes, they claim it is all for Al-Queda, but READ THE BILL. It specifically gives the military or others the right to waive the requirements, or designate "National Security" as a reason to hold anyone....And no trial ...With no definition of what those circumstances are. Will this be abused? I dunno. Could it be? Yes. Why open the door to circumvent the Constitution? Look, I am all for using every tool we have to detect, find, stop, and prosecute any terrorist. But not at the destruction of out way of life and the loss of the protections that the Constitution provides.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

 Think about that.

I expect the left (Carl Levin) to push for such legislation.....But the right? Mr. McCain: where are the principles you claim to have? What, really, do you stand for?

Someone should charge McCain (and Levin, and anyone who voted for this clusterfuck) with treason (the evidence is right there in the minutes!), and when he is (they are) convicted, he should be hanged as a lesson to others. Perhaps we were better served by having Obama elected rather than McCain. Let us not forget that McCain was the pick of the Republican establishment for our leader only a few years ago. Were the Republicans real Americans and Conservatives, they'd disavow him and kick him out of the party. But they won't.

There is more to say, but I'll not cross the line here and become the first to find out if the new law will be implemented. I'd hate to be labelled an Enemy of the State.

But Mr. McCain: I wouldn't piss in your mouth if your teeth were on fire, you traitorous son of a bitch. You have written legislation which can be used to violate the rights of American citizens. You have undermined the Constitution.

And for that I cannot forgive you.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Careful who you piss off

Whistleblowing can be harmful to your health...

Lots of questions here....But dead at 43? and the death is "not being investigated as a homicide".

Sometimes, it would appear, that coincidences just happen. This could be one of those times.

And pigs could fly out of my ass.

One has to wonder how much she cost the banks?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Bawny Fwank

Is quitting government.

Rumor has it he will take up a retirement career as a full time amateur Recreational Proctologist.

Global warming truth

It has just about destroyed Britain. They couldn't do it via socialism, but they are succeeding via The Cult of Global Warming.

See here for details.

If Mr. Obama get re-elected, expect him to advance the same agenda here.

Related stuff HERE.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

You really should probably call your senator

and tell him not just "no"


Seriously. GO HERE. Read. Follow the links (they are legit, I already followed 'em). But go see for yourself. Don't believe me. Seriously. Take the time to research this. It is important.

The "National Defense Bill" Bill number S. 1867. Take the time to learn about it.

Please  understand that the Udall amendment is a nice try, but really won't do it. Better to start over with a bill that leaves no doors open for misuse.

Then call your senators. Tell em "no". (If you aren't sure who your senator is, or how to contact them, I have a handy link at the top of my sidebar, or you can just go HERE to find out.)

And then clean yer heater. Practice with it too. 'Cause if this passes, someday yer likely gonna need it. 

Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.  

And if this passes, then they have the power to make you choose. 

Which way will you choose?

I know which way I will.  

HT Broken Patriot

(BP loads slowly but is worth it for the good info to be found there. I just wish that they'd fix whatever causes the slow load...likely an advertiser)

DB Cooper


4 decades ago he jumped out of the back of a 727 with $200,000.

and disappeared.

no one knows, for sure, what happened after that.

His caper has completely stumped the FBI, to this day (not that they had their "A" team on the case, it appears (The behavior of the feebles is much like my experience with them, fumbling at best) and there are may issues with their investigation.

Some of his money was found years later. But no one knows if it was buried or washed downstream...and if so, from where. There is a lot of empty (and desolate)spaces in that area, and so far, no one has found any more money....or him. If they did, then they haven't spent it either.... as no other bills with the serial numbers from the money given to Cooper have ever been used, as far as anyone knows.

The fact remains that no one knows for sure, and no one has ever been caught.  

(I meant to post this on the 24th, but got caught up in the festivities and forgot) 

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I just finished reading  "John M. Browning, American Gunmaker" today.

No big deal, except that, as Tam points out, today is the anniversary of his death.

I gotta tell you, if the history is right, and I have no reason to believe it is not, the man was a genius. 

No one else has so many designs to his name. Winchester bought every design they could of his rifles (until they foolishly pissed him off) JUST TO KEEP THEM OUT OF THE HANDS OF COMPETITORS, even if they never produced them.

And he accomplished this feat in a tiny shop, using basic tools and only after seeing the design in his head did he put pen to paper.

And lets not forget his machine gun designs, nor his automatic pistol designs (especially his 1911), nor his shotgun designs.

Without his cooperation and licensing, the firm of Fabrique Nationale would likely not exist. 

The more I learn about this man, the more impressed I become.

What would/cou;d he do today, with better steels, modern polymer, and better machining?

One wonders.

So hats off. Take a moment. If you shoot, realize that you either own one of his designs, or own a firearm that was derived from one of his creations.


And thank you.

And this was just to save a few bucks.

All of you folks who think civilization will survive a serious SHTF scenario are not thinking things clearly.

I am here to tell you that when things go all pear shaped that everything is going to go completely apeshit when people are unrestrained by the threat of punishment  from the local constabulary and the courts.

So what do you think is going to happen when people are hungry....or when they have children crying because their bellies are bloated by the fact that they haven't had anything to eat for a week? Or when they are cold and their clothing is wet or worn out....and you have food and are warm and dry?

People can't help (some of them at least) acting like animals to save a dollar or two at a Black Friday sale. They attack each other, fight, kick and claw each other. They use force and weapons to get head.

What do you think those people (and others of their culture) are going to do when things get serious?

I guarantee you they won't be singing "Kumbayah".

They are going to try to take you shit, because they spent any money they had on a big screen TV and an X-Box when you were saving. Now you have it and they need it. What do you think they are gonna do?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Send a few bucks

and maybe win a prize.

I sent $25.00.

Got a few spare bucks? This is a good way to use 'em.

And it is for a good cause.

Go on, give a few.

What caliber

For Drones?

I see a whole new industry here.

Maybe self destructing projectiles...say that burst at altitude if you miss?
Special shotgun shells?

How much do you lead 'em?


I am thankful for so many things.

I am thankful that I live in a country that is so rich, that even though I am not "rich" in this country, I am richer than most (98+%) of the people in this world. I am thankful that I live in a country that is so prosperous that this is true. A country that is protected by a Constitution that, despite being stepped on by many people and politicians still makes this country the greatest, freest, most stable and secure country on the planet 

I am thankful that I have friends and family that support me, believe in me, and respect my beliefs, no matter how foolish they think those might be. Friends that would drop everything for me, give me (literally) the shirt off their backs. Who would post bail without question. Who are good enough friends that if I asked for help moving a body at night, would do so without question.  (then help me get a lawyer)

I am especially thankful that my friend of many years has become someone very special...a lover and companion as well as a friend. Who has done more to calm my soul and make me look forward to a future. Who has caused me to believe that life is worth living, not merely enduring.

I have many, many other things to be thankful for, but if I listed them all, you'd get tired of reading and/or fall asleep.

What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thank you, IRS

So a few months ago, I got a letter from the IRS. Seems that they could not find a form that my partner and I had filed when doing our partnership return.

No big deal, we sent a second copy...Which they promptly misfiled (or something) as well as the first one.

We next next knew that they had misfiled the second one when we got a letter stating that we had now been assessed fines of $995 (each) for failing to file the forms in a manner that they could not misfile...

So, for the past few months, we have been waiting while they "investigated"...

They finally sent us a letter stating that they had decided to "remove the penalty" ... After only 3 months of investigation.. Seems that they found the forms...Of course, they haven't apologized or anything for making us worry while they took their time investigating their own incompetence. I mean... 3 months?

Were it not for them, I'd have been able to spend the money I was holding in reserve (in case they  decided to screw me)  on that 1933 Argentine contract Colt 1911 with 200 rounds of original metric headstamp ammo (in the original box) at the Nappannee gunshow. Instead, I kept the money just in case.....

I can't wait for Obamacare......

So exactly how many years

of breaking the law does it take for it to be ok?

Newt G. thinks that decades of being an illegal immigrant then entitles that person to some consideration...look it up yourself....

I didn't realize there was a statute of limitations wherein after a certain number of years of living as an illegal in the United States, one is automatically deemed a partial citizen....Or is it that after so many years and so many children?... Or so many years and taking enough entitlements handouts? ....Or so many years and so much unreported (and therefore untaxed) income?

I mean, what are the rules?

And didn't we try this in like, 1986? Seems that that didn't work either.

A good one gone

Anne Mcaffrey has passed.

May she inhabit the many worlds she created and shared with all of us.

I think I read each and every one of her books when I was much younger.


"I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do."

Professor Bernardo Del La Paz

"The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"

Robert A. Heinlein

Are you free?

I am.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Makes you wonder

While this may be technically illegal, the catch was, nonetheless, not done in an illegal manner....It's not like the guy was trying to hide anything.

And the guy had been purchasing tuna permits for years, just in case this happened. If nothing else, then the Feds committed fraud by accepting his money for the permits, knowing that he couldn't use them.

More likely they wanted the half million dollars or so he would havegotten from the sale of the tuna.

It is things like this which make me think about revolution....and other things.

One day soon, I envision a day when people will be fearful to be known to work for the federal government. And if found out, they'll move because of fear for their families and their safety... And it'll be because of a string of actions like this one. The anger is there, like a keg of powder....What (or who) will be the spark?

Yep, it's 3 AM....

Betcha that Hillary takes the hook, and decides to run. She'll do it not because she wants the power (or the responsibility), but "because she cannot in good conscience accept that Barack Obama will do more of what he has for the country", or words to that effect...."We have to give the people a valid choice for president, and Barack Obama is not it" and she'll do it because "If I don't run, then the country will elect a Republican president".

Betcha. Not that she could be much worse than Mittens Romney. She might, in fact, be less of a socialist than he is.

The left has come to the conclusion that The Won will lose against the south end of a northbound mule....They will need someone else to run, or they lose power. And their agenda will be damaged, or even regressed.


Monday, November 21, 2011

"Communism is the most brutal form of capitalism"

You should read THIS.

Then read THIS.

Then think.

Take time before you let your anger grow. Don't smash anything. Notice a pattern?

Look at the parallels drawn by someone who is not living in, nor a citizen of the United States. Someone who has been through a societal and economic crash (you SHOULD read his BOOK) and who can see, with the benefit of hindsight, where we are going.

Yeah, both articles are long. But both are worth the read, as is the rest of his site.

BTW, the Spaniards just threw the Socialists out. Big time. Maybe there is hope for them yet. Now if we in the US can just get enough people to see what is on the horizon, then perhaps we can, as a country, be as smart as the Spaniards.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Jesus H. tapdancin' Christ

If one more person accosts me and asks for money or some other form of donation, this is gonna be me until I break out in handcuffs:

I thought that the moochers panhandlers fundraisers didn't come out until after Black Friday?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

So one wonders where the gun,

Specifically the AK which was used to poke holes in the white house, came from?

No one is saying, as far as I can see.

Was it, perhaps, maybe one of those Fast and Furious guns that I apparently missed out on because I am not a gang member or a part of the Cartels? (Discrimination, I tell you, I want my unregistered AK-47!....I helped pay for the damned things!)

Seriously, does anyone know the provenance of the weapon?

Testing Testing

Soon we are likely to hear more about stuff like THIS:

Oh, wait, we also have this.

Wonder what else is waiting in the wings?

If you think that the controls for your power are secure, you are delusional.

If you think that the controls for your natural gas are secure, then you are a fool.

Can you live without either? (Or both?)

If not, you'd better be prepared for failure.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Just FYI

Put down the hot drinks before watching the video...

Hot Tea through the nostrils HURTS.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Y'know, the more I see the way the political landscape shaping up, the more disappointed I am.

On the one hand, we have Barack Obama. His one redeeming quality is that he has stayed true to his roots. He is a useless, foolish, unskilled (as anything but a politician, rather than a leader), somewhat radical redistributionist. He hasn't surprised me one bit. While I didn't vote for him (and won't this time either), he has been exactly what I expected.

On the other hand, we have....well, basically not much:

Romney? Nope. I'll likely vote for no-one. Or write-in something cute. But I WON'T vote for him. Especially since the MSM has decided that he is who they want to run as a Republican. Besides, he is just Obama-Lite.

Gingrich? Causes me to feel nauseous. Not a chance. See "Romney" above.

Perry? Yeah, when he can remember his lines, he says all the right things. But nah. not him either. He's just Romney-Lite.

Cain? unlikely he will be the nominee. The "politics of personal destruction" have worked their magic, and I doubt that he will make it. The RNC hasn't done much to help him, unlike other candidates. We'll see. Might vote for him, might not.

Bachman and all the rest. Yeah, I laughed too.

Sadly, the RNC hasn't bothered to find a decent candidate. Perhaps this is the legacy of Mr. M. Steele. Perhaps it is just an indication of the failure of the RNC leadership. I'd like to have had the chance to vote FOR someone rather than AGAINST someone else. Doesn't look like it is gonna happen this time around though.

I'm not going to "hold my nose" this time. Maybe to some it is a wasted vote, but I'm not gonna vote for the lesser of the two weasels this time around.

Were I able to, I'd force every ballot to have "None Of The Above" under each list of candidates. My money says that'd win about 70% of the time.

Perhaps this should be the next big push for us Tea Party folks to make happen. A nationwide push for a real choice instead of choosing between two folks whose only difference is HOW they are going to screw things up for the rest of us.

So how do we get "None Of The Above" on the ballots?

Monday, November 14, 2011


Winter is coming. This should be no surprise to most of you. It has, in fact, been scheduled for a long time.

Are you prepared for it? There are a LOT of things you might want to prepare for....Lets take your automobile for instance:

Do you have decent tires on your car? Decent wiper blades? Antifreeze? (did ya check to see if it is still good for at least 20 degrees (F) lower than your reasonable expected low temps this winter?) Do you have a decent pair of boots, a blanket and/or jacket and some socks and warm clothing in the car? Gloves? Hat?  When was the last time you replaced the battery (or had it checked)? Do you have an ice scraper in the car yet? Do ya have (some) food and a method of melting snow if need be? Jumper cables? Ladies: Do you have an "emergency" kit for being snowed in for a few days somewhere besides home? Some clothes besides that dress you wear to work?

What if everyone is trapped by the same snowstorm and can't come when you call for help on your cell phone? Happened twice around here last year. I know of one lady traveler who nearly lost her toes walking a mile or so in 18" snow in a really nice party dress and heels. Lucky for her some "redneck hick" took pity on her and gave her a ride to a hotel where she was treated for frostbite and given warm clothes and a shower. He had a great big 4WD truck, and nearly got stuck trying to turn around to deliver her to a safe place.

You should be ready. Winter happens. If you are not ready, get off your ass and get prepped. It isn't that hard. and the time to be thinking about it is NOW, not when yer stuck in a snowbank. Nor when your car won't start in a cold, windswept parking lot because your battery is 5 years old. Then it is too late. Not when the snow is over your hood and you wish you had stopped 20 miles back, or maybe stayed at work, or left early because the storm is really kicking and the snowplows are having a hard time keeping up. Or when the car (or semi) behind you spins out and blocks the road so that the plows can't get there... or the tow trucks. Again, it happened several times last year. You can be safe in a car for a few days IF you have some simple plans and some clothing to keep you warm and some materials. But ya gotta think ahead.

 You've got about a month. Maybe less.

Or you can be a sheep, and expect others to do the work for you, keeping you safe. That works, until it doesn't. Then you are a statistic. With frostbite.

Or a corpse.

Friday, November 11, 2011

I wonder if there is a legal fund....

I'd likely contribute.

The lawsuit against a whole shitload of defendants those responsible for the death of Jose Guerena has been filed.

I hope they win, and win BIG.

Say thank you today

If you know a vet.

Say a prayer for those that cannot hear your thanks. Remember those who served, sacrificed, who fought and died to protect their country and it's citizens. You are reading this in english because some gave all to protect this country and it's way of life. Appreciate them and their memories.

And remember... Today is Veterans Day.

Originally Armistice day...commemorating 11th hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month..The official end of World War One....(the War to End All Wars).

Remember. Be thankful.

I do, and I am.

Can I get a "hallelujah"

Damned straight.

Ladies: Pick one. Either you are helpless like a schoolgirl and need protection from a male (and therefore are not equal), or you are able to stand up for yourself like an adult, in which case you don't need all of those protections.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

so wearing the American flag is disruptive

If that is the case, then next time I see an Irish flag or a Saudi flag or a French flag or a Mexican flag, I'm gonna go all medieval on the person wearing it. Especially on the fourth of July. Because it is apparently enough that the flag waver is "disruptive" and "offensive".

Look, I am all for free speech. I am also a Patriot. I love my country. If you love yours, and it is different thatn mine, feel free to wear your flag. Also feel free to go home.

Either way, lets have some standards. And let us apply them equally.

Else someone might get hurt.

(and no, I am not talking about the asshole judge or the principal who caused this ruling. nor even the mexican students who began this).

So it seems that they want Canadia

To sell all that oil to China instead of us....

Keystone pipeline delayed.

Ice miners

Soon we'll all be burning ice for our heat.

Methane Hydrates might soon replace gas wells.

or not.

But hey, the search for energy goes on.

29 times

For each man on the Edmund Fitzgerald.

 36 years ago today.

For an interesting history, Go to Wikepedia. Lots of info you likely didn't know.

If you care. I did.

Ah, shit,....what did they tell me to say?

The fact is that if he REALLY believed the words that were coming out (or, in this case, failing to) of his mouth, he'd likely have been able to remember that pesky third agency.

Sadly, Perry fails the test. If he really believed what he says, he'd have been able to remember. Maybe a stumble, but to completely forget? Total brain freeze? Nah, I don't buy it. He forgot the words he was briefed to say. The words someone told him would resonate with people like you and I.

I was considering him. 'cause, with the exception of his stance on immigration and related issues, I liked  what he had to say. But it now appears to me that his statements do not reflect his beliefs, but rather are the products of focus groups.

So he goes into the discard bucket with Newt. (not that Romney was ever considered)/

Who is left? Can Cain overcome the lynching attempt smear campaign?

'cause I'll vote Wookiee before I vote for Mittens Romneycare.